Increasing Accountability: How to Hold the Powerful Responsible

Our political and business leaders have terrified us with their unaccountable behavior for decades. We need our leaders to be accountable and do what’s best for us all.

To create a better world, we need to hold the powers that be accountable for their actions. Too often, those in positions of power can get away with things that hurt our communities and our planet.

It often seems like decent people don’t stand a chance against the monsters in charge. These cretins can lie, cheat, and steal with impunity. They cause all kinds of problems without any consequences.

We need to increase pressure on them to make progress on the issues that matter most to us. As citizens, it is our right to demand accountability from those who lead us. As consumers, we have the right to demand corporations behave responsibly to get our money.

With increased access to information and technology, people can discover wrongdoing much faster and demand that those in power answer for their decisions. People now have a voice they can use to call out injustice and demand change.

We can create a culture of accountability among government and corporate leaders by creating systems of checks and balances, increasing transparency, engaging with stakeholders, encouraging public discourse, and more. These strategies can help ensure that individuals in positions of authority are held responsible for their choices so that everyone benefits.

Our Unaccountable Leaders Are Causing A Ton Of Problems

Our leaders are just not real people. The powers that be don’t let real, compassionate, reasonable people anywhere near the levers of power. The actual leaders that run the show are either incompetent clowns or despicable, power-hungry monsters, often both.

This lack of accountability can have serious repercussions on society. Because there’s no proper monitoring, leaders use their power to enrich themselves and advance their interests instead of serving the public good. This can result in several problems, such as:

  • Political corruption: Leaders who lack accountability use their influence to gain financial or personal benefits, leading to the misuse of public funds and resources.
  • Increased anger, despair, and polarization: The powers that be want us angry at each other, because then they escape scrutiny. While we’re distracted arguing about fringe issues, they keep benefiting from the status quo.
  • Lack of trust in government: Without proper checks and balances, the public is left feeling powerless and untrusting of their leaders. This can lead to a decrease in political participation and engagement with government initiatives.
  • Inequality: Leaders who are not held accountable for their decisions can be less likely to consider the needs of different populations and communities, resulting in unequal access to resources, services, and upward mobility.

If we want to do anything about their problems, we need to understand what is causing them. Why do the powerful escape consequences?

Bad leadership is exacerbating some of our biggest problems, like

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Why Is There No Accountability For Our Leaders?

The causes of problems caused by unaccountable leaders stem from a variety of factors. Democratic systems are often easily manipulated and infiltrated by powerful actors.  The powerful collude to protect their interest and keep the electorate from having any say. Because they own the media, their employees do their bidding, making us waste our time on distractions.

This usually comes with a lack of transparency in government decision-making and makes it difficult for citizens to hold their leaders accountable. Our broken election system is one of the big reasons we don’t have political accountability because politicians who play ball don’t have to worry about getting re-elected.

Furthermore, existing laws and regulations are often not strong enough to ensure that those in power are held responsible for their actions. Even when there are laws, enforcement is nonexistent.

The media is compromised, and rather than holding leaders to account, it is often used to spread anger, fear, propaganda, and misinformation.

There are all kinds of reasons are leaders aren’t responsible, including

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We all want our leaders to act in our collective best interest. Unfortunately, today that is impossible to ensure. There is no accountability from our leaders. Politicians, regulators, and law enforcement have all been co-opted to serve the will of the powerful. Money and influence have purchased their loyalty, and our government is owned.

The legal system sends the poor to jail for life for petty crimes, while there are no repercussions for all kinds of white-collar crimes that arguably cause much more damage to the public welfare.

Accountable Leaders Help Everything

Right now, the dream of honest, accountable, competent leadership can seem as elusive as ever. With the stranglehold on the media and the power of technology, the fight for accountability does seem difficult.

But replacing the garbage we have now with honesty, integrity, and competency would be a game-changer. Better leaders have the power to change the course of history. Even with decent leadership, leadership that isn’t actively making things worse, think about how much better everything could be.

Accountable leaders would help us accomplish so many of our most important goals.

Goals like:

  • Ensuring that those in power are making decisions based on the public good, rather than their interests. Imagine systems of checks and balances that will ensure leaders are responsible for their actions and not taking advantage of their position.
  • Increasing transparency in government decision-making, so that citizens can easily access information and know what the government is up to.
  • Having leaders engaged with all stakeholders, not just the wealthy. This means engaging in active dialogue between the public and those in power, as well as encouraging participation in public discourse regarding essential issues.
  • Encouraging independent media that is free from influence, propaganda, and censorship, so that citizens can access accurate information and have the opportunity to call out injustice. A media that promotes progress instead of pushing us backward with all its might.

There are so many common goals that better leaders would help us reach:

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Help us hold our leaders accountable.

But it’s easy to say we want our leaders to be responsible. Getting there is a different story.

Let’s get aggressive about (figuratively!) slapping them in the face with their actions and holding them responsible for what they do.

How Do We Increase Accountability?

Creating a Culture of Accountability

Of course, we want political and business leaders to be more responsible, but they will resist it with all their might.

How do we create that accountability? With an issue, this big there’s no lack of strategies for increasing accountability.

Mutual Respect

First, we must recognize that our leaders are human. It’s easy to dismiss all politicians are evil, but most of them are decent. They are just part of a horrible system that makes progress all but impossible. Those who play ball get to stay, those who don’t are pushed out.

If we create a culture of accountability, rather than one of fear or distrust, we can recognize the best, most capable leaders.

In this political environment, you’d have to be crazy to want to run for office. That needs to change. Meaningful dialogue between citizens and their leaders is required. Working together and getting past the division is the only way to move forward.

A culture of accountability must be inculcated in society so that citizens can recognize and report injustice when they see it. Education is key here – citizens need to be taught how to hold their leaders accountable and make sure their voices are heard.

Accept Reality

Reality must be an essential part of the equation. Our world needs a serious shift towards honesty and accountability on all fronts; no more allowing hypocrisy to run rampant or sweeping uncomfortable truths under the rug. We can’t let distractions and fringe issues play the most dominant roles. Sure they are important to many, but does it mean we can never find any common ground on anything, ever?

To make real progress and hold the powerful to account, we need to encourage our leaders to recognize their reality as frontrunners with civic duties. We’ve got to find common ground and make progress.

This can only be achieved if we can see through their pretenses and open our eyes to neglect or misuse of power. This generation will not stand for any lenience from those in positions of power; rather, they should strive towards leading by example and creating a society where true justice can be implemented for all.

Legal Reform

Clear laws and actual enforcement with consequences for those who do not comply with the regulations. A clearer and more comprehensive legal framework would help. A framework that outlines the responsibilities of those in power and the consequences for failing to meet these obligations.

This should include clear guidelines on the usage of public funds, as well as provisions that ensure transparency and open access to information concerning government activity.

We need to stop rewarding counterproductive behavior like regulatory capture and rent-seeking. It should not pay to perform actions that are counter to the common. If it hurts society as a whole, we need to do whatever we can to discourage it.

Our campaign finance laws are a joke, and enforcement is non-existent. We can’t keep letting the corporate and political classes exploit the government for only their benefit.

Reform the Media

The media should be free from the influence of the powerful and serve its true purpose – to provide citizens with access to accurate information. We need to diminish the power of the shallow, ignorant, hateful talking heads currently getting all the attention and create a new type of media that is driven by professionalism and integrity.

Journalism plays an integral role in digging into stories, creating public knowledge, and ultimately driving change. We need to encourage independent media that is free from influence and censorship.

Accurate systems that promote transparency and encourage public discourse from reputable sources give citizens the necessary tools to make informed decisions about their leaders. Social media has provided an alternative public space and is a viable tool for raising awareness and applying pressure.

More ways to promote accountability include:

  • Increasing public pressure through cooperative initiatives and campaigns.
  • Instituting financial incentives for those in power who act responsibly, withholding incentives from the bad actors.
  • Demand transparency – We must have the right to know what our government and corporations are doing. Demand more transparency across society.
  • Use your voice – write, call, email, post, tweet, protest. Show up and be heard.
  • Contact your representativesGet in touch with your elected officials and find out what’s important to you.
  • Educate yourself and others – learn about the issues and share that information with those around you.
  • Real News – Demand the media and journalists focus on reality and not how horrible the other side is.
  • Impact Consumerism – #DemandMoreforYourDollar and ask business hard questions. Using your wallet you can drive real change in the corporate world.
  • The Humanity Index – Help us create a rating system based on corporations’ impact on the environment, government, local communities, and society at large.

Here are links to all the related strategies for increasing accountability from political and corporate leaders:

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The bottom line is

If Your Actions Affect Other People You Need To Be Accountable

It’s as simple as that.

That’s at the local, state, and federal government levels.

In the media.

In the corporate world.

Whoever’s choices impact other people should be held responsible if they harm society at large. And the more impact a person or group has, the more accountable they need to be. Like Spiderman says “with great power comes great responsibility.”

We must create a system where the powerful and influential are held to account. We need the power to feel like their bad actions will not go unnoticed or unpunished.

Harming society needs to be discouraged.

While there will certainly be resistance to any kind of reform, we have plenty of strategies for progress.

And the good news is that we’re not starting from scratch, there are already tons of organizations working hard to fight for accountability.

Organizations Fighting for Accountability

Fortunately, many organizations are dedicated to increasing accountability and holding the powerful responsible for their actions. These organizations work tirelessly to bring light to unethical practices and mobilize citizens to take action.

There are groups focused on the United States specifically and others on a more global scale.

By supporting these organizations, we can help them amplify their campaigns and create a global movement for leaders that do their job.

Organizations Promoting Accountability in the US

  • The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) works to ensure government accountability by conducting independent evaluations of federal programs, investigating allegations of fraud and abuse, and providing oversight on the use of taxpayer dollars. It also provides recommendations to Congress and the executive branch on how they can improve their operations. They have hundreds of recommendations to improve government, but unfortunately, our leaders just ignore most of them. This sucks because we are paying them to do all this work, and our leaders just ignore them.
  • Open Secrets is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works to shed light on the influence of money in politics. It collects and publishes data about political contributions, lobbying activity, and elections to help citizens understand the role money plays in politics.
  • LittleSis is a free, open-source research tool that allows users to track the connections between powerful people and organizations. It provides an online database of corporate leaders, elected officials, and other influential figures, with information on their networks of relationships. The idea is to see how the dots connect.
  • Government Accountability Project works to protect whistleblowers from retaliation and safeguard freedom of speech. It provides legal services and advice to individuals who report wrongdoing and provides advocacy and research to help strengthen whistleblower protections.
  • School for Ethics and Global Leadership is dedicated to educating and inspiring the next generation of global leaders. Its programs focus on teaching students about ethical leadership, social justice, global citizenship, and the importance of civic engagement.
  • Ethics Resource Center Inc. works to promote ethical behavior in the workplace through research, education, and policy development. It provides resources and tools to help individuals and organizations act ethically, make sound decisions, and create cultures of trust.
  • Issue One works to strengthen our democracy by reducing the power of money in politics and enacting ethics reforms. Its mission is to make government more transparent, accountable, and responsive to citizens.
  • The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) works to reduce the influence of money on politics, hold politicians and public officials accountable, and fight corruption in all its forms.

These are just a few of the many organizations working for accountability in leadership in the USA. Together, they are helping to create a culture of trust, responsibility, and transparency in our government. By supporting and getting involved with their work, we can ensure that our government is accountable to its citizens.

International Accountability Organizations

In addition to the US-based organizations promoting accountability, countless others are working on global responsibility. In this interconnected world, it’s not enough to only worry about the US. We need to fight corruption and promote accountability across the planet.

Here are some well-known organizations working to promote accountability across the world:

  • The Global Integrity Project is a non-profit that works to combat corruption and promote transparency in government. The project conducts research to assess a country’s legal and administrative systems, as well as its access to information laws. They use this information to guide governments in strengthening their laws and creating more effective accountability mechanisms.
  • International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to increase access to the polls and promote democratic governance. It provides technical assistance to strengthen electoral processes in countries around the world.
  • Transparency International is an international non-governmental organization that is dedicated to fighting corruption, promoting transparency and accountability, and achieving good governance. It works with governments, civil society organizations, businesses, and citizens to promote integrity in more than 100 countries. One of its key initiatives is the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), which ranks countries based on perceived levels of public sector corruption.
  • International Budget Partnership (IBP) is a network of civil society organizations working to promote democratic and accountable budgeting around the globe. It works with governments to develop transparent, participatory budget processes that respond to citizens’ needs.
  • Global Witness is an organization that works to expose corruption, human rights abuses, and environmental destruction. They carry out investigations into these issues and then use the results to advocate for reform. Their work has resulted in landmark legislation in many countries.
  • Avaaz is a global civic organization that works to address pressing political, social, and environmental issues. Its campaigns emphasize public participation and aim to achieve tangible results. The organization has conducted numerous successful actions on a range of essential topics, from corruption to education reform.
  • The United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) is a global treaty that sets out international standards and provides a legal framework for countries to take steps against corruption. It serves as the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument and requires governments to criminalize bribery, money laundering, and abuse of public office, among other forms of corruption.

These organizations are leading the charge in working to increase accountability among those in power and promote transparency, integrity, and fairness in government. By supporting them, we can help create a world where the powerful are held accountable for their actions and citizens have access to reliable information about their governments.

Times Bad Leaders Were Held Accountable

While examples of accountability are few and far between, it is still possible. From the example of Alger Hiss during the McCarthy era to the more recent example of Harvey Weinstein, we can see that when people are willing to come forward and speak truth to power, justice can be served.

The #MeToo movement

A recent example of the power of collective action is the rise of the #MeToo movement. Through brave individuals coming forward and sharing their stories, powerful men in positions of influence have been held accountable for their sexual misconduct. This movement has highlighted how people can come together to disrupt systems of oppression and demand true justice.

Civil society organizations in India

In India, corruption has been a longstanding issue, with many government officials engaging in illegal activities, such as bribery and embezzlement. In response to this, civil society organizations have been working to hold these officials accountable through various means, including protests, demonstrations, and advocacy campaigns.

In recent years these organizations have been successful in increasing accountability for government officials.

Edward Snowden

In 2013, Edward Snowden leaked documents that revealed the U.S. government was engaged in widespread surveillance of its citizens. The public outcry and media coverage resulting from his actions led to a series of reforms and changes in policy, including more stringent oversight and guidelines for intelligence agencies.

Of course, nobody was held accountable. One of the top government executives broke the law by lying to congress – he’s now on CNN with everyone going on like he’s a great guy. The actions may be got Less Bad, but as we’ve seen so often it is rare for the powerful to pay any real price.

We Can Have Better Leaders

The task of holding power to account is a daunting but achievable one. We must employ innovative and strategic thinking when confronting issues of freedom, justice, and equality in our society today.

As citizens we can initiate grassroots movements to bring about necessary change; as administrators, we can create strong transparency regulations to help ensure societal trust; and as leaders, we can strive to promote responsibility among all members of the community – the powerful and powerless alike-at every level.

Help Us Make Our Leaders More Accountable

We need you on board if we’re going to succeed in holding those in power accountable for their actions.

Ultimately, increasing accountability for the powerful is an ongoing process that requires a combination of strategies and techniques.

Lasting change takes time and continuous effort

Increasing accountability for the powerful is an ongoing process that requires a combination of strategies. From leveraging public pressure and incentives to creating a culture of trust, openness, and transparency, we can ensure that those in power are held accountable for their actions. We must not forget that creating lasting change takes time and continuous effort from citizens around the world who are willing to stand up against corruption and injustice.

Every action you take counts – so make your voices heard today.

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Join the movement to hold the people ruining the country responsible!

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