Worried About the State of the World?
Do you live in constant despair for the future?
Tired of endless complaining?
Looking for solutions?
I have some good news – We’re not completely screwed yet!
Welcome to Less Bad – we’re I’m working on the two-step solution to all our problems:
- Step One: Figure out what we want.
- Step Two: Make business do it.
It’s THAT simple!

Sign up below to learn more about the secret weapon to get the country back on track.
What’S The Plan?
When you subscribe, you’ll get a series of emails that explain the main ideas behind the site, the framework to make things better. It’s not that complicated, really.
At the basic level, we just need to do two things. From there, we have a relatively straight-forward path for making progress.
The Simple Way to Make Things Less Bad
1 – Figure out what we want – Collaboratively create an evolving roadmap or framework for the goals we want to strive for, and strategies to get us there.
2 – Make the private sector do it – Leverage consumer choice to encourage the private sector to use more of their resources to help . Corporations have the resources to help improve society. Governments are clearly not up to the challenge so turning to business is really the only option.
That’s what the central idea is. What I’m referring to as Project: Fix Everything and Impact Consumerism:
- A framework/road for making progress
- Collaborative, cross-disciplinary community
- Collecting and highlight groups working on problems
- Identify problems, causes, goals and strategies to improve, to make progress

- Using consumer choice to reward companies that are helping.
- Demand businesses get involved, help identify strategies.
- Communicate those strategies to consumers, help educate about the fundamental issues.
With a working framework of our goals and strategies, and the power of consumer choice, we can create the world we want. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but at it’s core that’s the message of Less Bad.
We’re dedicated to making these ideas work.
“We humans are smart enough to have created complex systems and amazing productivity; surely we are also smart enough to make sure that everyone shares our bounty.”
-Dr. Donella H. Meadows
We think Dr. Meadows might have a point..
Here’s a five-part breakdown of how we get there:

Intro – A Reason for Hope

Impact Consumerism

The Humanity Index
Navigating Less Bad
The site comprised of pages that are tagged with two of eight components. Each page falls into at least one of four categories, Business, Government, Environment or Society. Additionally, each page falls into one of four buckets that relate to the problem solving framework – Goals, Strategies, Problems and Causes.
Making Business Less Bad.
Making Goverment Less Bad.
Making the environment Less Bad.
Making society Less Bad.
So navigate around the site and see what catches your interest. Feel free to shoot me a message.
And please follow on social media – pick your poison!