Political leadership on both sides of the aisle is a tragic joke we need to move past.
There is a leadership vacuum in our society. Nobody is in charge, and the result is malfeasance at all levels of government. It’s like the least qualified are in charge! In terms of real solutions to real problems, all politicians out there today are worthless. And the media lies to us daily. Honest business leaders don’t know what to do.
Where does that leave the average American? Pretty pessimistic it seems:

Confidence in our leadership and institutions is at an all-time low. Looking around, it’s pretty easy to understand why. On both sides, our so-called “leaders” are all but worthless – link.
Politicians are worthless, the media lies, and business doesn’t know what to do.
The unpleasant reality is that malfeasance has infiltrated our society, and we are essentially on our own.
Any Decent Elected Officials are Hamstrung by the System – Legislation Can’t move Forward
Some elected officials, I’ll actually say most of them, are decent people who would do what is best for constituents given the choice. But they don’t have a choice. The levers of power are controlled by a very small group. These powerful politicians revel in gridlock and are bought and paid for by special interests.
Anyone politician with any real, meaningful ideas
A) Is not let anywhere near a position of power
B) Would have to be crazy to get involved in the first place.
Given the vapid, hyper-partisan, sensationalized media environment we’re living in, why would anyone with half a brain want to be in politics?

The Media is Owned and Controlled by People Who Like the Current System

Corporate media owners will fight tooth and nail to stop progress. They like things just the way they are. They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
The media is biased, lies to us, and is only interested in distracting us from the real issues. The talking heads on both the left and the right are actors paid to read a script. They do not have our best interests at heart. Their job is to rile us up with distractions. Nothing more.
With the left and the right at each other’s throats, obsessing over the distraction of the day, discussions of the real issues of the day are non-existent.
Polarization makes compromise impossible, further exacerbating gridlock
Charles Barkley on lousy politicians
When all our energy goes into hating the other side, we don’t take a step back and ask what’s really important. What are the fundamental problems and their causes? What do we want? How do we get there?
Blaming the other side is just so much easier – and profitable!
Demanding Real Leaders
The only way to get through this mess is to take matters into our own hands. The stakes are too high to let these liars keep things going like they are.
We need competent, honest and accountable leaders. And we need to reform the media so that they stop running cover on these halfwits.
Yes, it’s hard. But we can’t just sit around and wait for someone else to fix things. The people who’ve been “running” the country for the past two decades have done a bad job. We need to do better before it’s too late.
We need to figure out how to find real, productive leaders.
- Leaders who understand what’s going on.
- Who live in, and undertsand, reality.
- Who make hard decisions and tough choices.
- Who talk to us like adults.
- Who act like adults.
- Who don’t let distractions run the country.
- Leaders that have a backbone.
Easier said than done. But it’s not hopeless.
Check out some ideas on how to reform the government and get better leaders in place.