Making progress is the only way to create a virtuous cycle in society. What is a virtuous cycle? It’s basically a self-sustaining process that leads to continuous improvement. When we make progress, it breeds more progress.
This applies to our personal lives, professional lives, and society in general. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of progress and how it can help us achieve success our societal goals.
What Is Progress?
Progress is a gradual, continuous improvement in anything. It can be in our personal lives, professional lives, or society as a whole. Progress is what leads to continuous improvement and a virtuous cycle. It’s the only way to achieve sustainable success.
What does progress actually looks like?
The social progress we make is often the most difficult to quantify. It may be hard to measure, but it’s also the most important. It can be seen through social movements and activism that are happening all over the world.
While it can be difficult to measure social progress, it’s still important to strive for. We can make progress by setting goals and strategies and working towards them. By improving our collective skills and knowledge. By working towards positive social change.
Progress meaning
Progress is not just a word that means “more than last time.” Progress is about moving away from shame and towards the best of us. It’s about embracing the victorious conqueror inside all of us, and finding the courage to do everything we can to do what’s best. Progress means more than simply succeeding at something new, it’s about becoming something more.
Progress in the Business World
In the business world, progress is what separates the successful businesses from the unsuccessful ones. Every business faces challenges and setbacks, but the successful ones are able to overcome these obstacles and continue moving forward. They don’t let setbacks define them; instead, they use them as motivation to keep moving forward.
We need to have the same mindset while trying to solve our social problems. We will face many challenges and setbacks, but we need to remember that progress is still possible. We need to be persistent and never give up on our social goals.
Why is Progress Important?
We all want to feel that our efforts are leading to a successful outcome. When we encounter gridlock, it may appear as though nothing is changing and that things are actually getting worse. However, it’s important to remember that progress is taking place all around us. We may not always agree on the best strategy for achieving success, but we can all agree that progress is essential for success.
Progress is better than perfection
Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. When we strive for perfection, we’re usually trying to meet an impossible standard. This can lead to procrastination, because we’re afraid that our work will never be good enough.
On the other hand, progress is about moving forward and making improvements. It’s okay if our work isn’t perfect, because we can always strive to make it better. Progress is what leads to continuous improvement and a virtuous cycle.

Synonyms for progress
Synonyms for progress include advance, improve, and move forward. These words all describe the idea of making continuous progress towards a goal. When we make progress, we’re constantly moving closer to our goals and achieving greater things.
These synonyms remind us that progress is always possible, no matter how difficult things may seem.
The Opposite of Progress
The opposite of progress is stagnation. When we stagnate, we stop making progress and our lives become stagnant. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being stuck (sound familiar?) Stagnation comes from acting in a way counter to our goals.
Gridlock is another antonym of progress. Gridlock occurs when two sides are unable to agree on a course of action. This can lead to a standstill, and it’s often difficult to move forward from this point.
Stagnation and gridlock is often caused by fear, because segments of the country are afraid of change. We may be afraid of failing, or afraid of what others will think of us. Others are afraid of change and what it might bring. They hold on to the past, because it’s familiar and safe.
Some People Don’t Want Progress
Some people like things the way they are. They don’t want to progress, because they’re comfortable with the status quo. They may not be aware of the opportunities that come with making progress.
However, we need to remember that making social progress is essential for a better world.
When we’re faced with gridlock, it’s important to remember that progress is still possible. We may need to take a different approach, or find a new way.
How to make Progress
We should want to make good progress toward making things Less Bad.
In order to make progress, we first have to believe that progress is possible. We have to have faith in societies ability to change. We have to be willing to take risks and step outside of our comfort zones. And we have to be persistent in the face of obstacles.
We make progress by taking small steps each day. Some days will see a big jump, others will see setbacks. But at the end of the day all you can really ask for is progress. Progress can help us create social change.
Making progress is not always easy, but there are a few things we can do to increase our chances of success:
- Set realistic goals: It’s important to set goals that are achievable. If our goals are too ambitious, we’re likely to become discouraged when we don’t achieve them (that’s why the site is called Less Bad). On the other hand, if our goals are too easy, you won’t be challenged and you won’t make much progress. Check out our societal goals.
- Measure progress: Keep track of your progress so you can see how far you’ve come. This will help you stay motivated and it will also give you a sense of accomplishment (working on it).
- Stay flexible: Be willing to adjust our plans as needed. If something isn’t working, we can’t be afraid to change course.
- Persevere: Don’t give up when we encounter setbacks. Remember that progress is possible if we keep moving forward.
- Cooperate: It’s important to try and get help from as many people as you can without being a burden. Working together toward a common goal can be an invigorating process.
- Celebrate: It’s also important to celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how small they may be. This helps us stay motivated and focused on our goals. Every step we take is one step closer to making the world a better place.
Making progress is essential for solving our problems. By setting realistic goals, measuring progress, staying flexible, and persevering through challenges, we can increase our chances of achieving success. Even if it’s just a small step each day, remember that every day is a chance to make progress.
Remember: Making progress is the only way.
More Strategies for Making Progress

AI – The Path To Sentience

Aligning Incentives: Using the Free Market to Create a Better World

Artificial Intelligence – Is It the Answer?

Building A Better Government: How to Create a Country We Can Be Proud Of

Contact Your Elected Representatives: How to Effectively Voice Your Opinion

Data Science and Its Ability to Help Further Progress

Embrace Innovation

Fixing the World: The Ultimate Guide

Follow the Golden Rule

Getting Money Out of Government

How to Change the World

How to Solve Problems in Society

Improving Education

Include True Costs in Prices

Increasing Accountability: How to Hold the Powerful Responsible

Legal Reform

Measuring Twice and Collapsing Superposition

Prioritize Human Flourishing

Project: Fix Everything

Promoting Upward Mobility: The Key to the American Dream

Reducing Polarization

Reward “Good” Work

Systems Thinking: Navigating Complexity

Taking Personal Responsibility

Term Limits

The Simple Solution to All Our Problems

Virtuous Cycles Can Solve All Global Challenges

Voting Better
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