We Need Real Leadership
Good leadership is critical to making progress on any major undertaking. A leader needs to be able to inspire others and provide a clear vision for the future. They must also be competent and capable of making tough decisions when necessary. We need leaders who are honest and accountable, and who will do what’s right for the people they represent.
Accountable leadership is a must in today’s society. We need leaders who are willing to be held accountable for their actions and who will take responsibility for the outcomes of their decisions. Good leaders that listen to the people they represent and make decisions that are in the best interest of the majority.
Charles Barkley said it well:
Our today leaders aren’t great. That’s just the truth.
We have a lot of people in power who are more concerned with their own interests than they are with the greater good. We have leaders who are afraid to stand up to special interests and those who are more interested in serving themselves than they are in serving the people they were elected to represent.
We don’t have good leaders. Instead we have leaders who
- Are more interested in serving themselves than they are in serving the people they were elected to represent.
- Are unable to inspire others.
- Make empty promises and are unable to keep them.
- Lack vision and foresight.
- Unable or unwilling to take on the tough challenges facing our world.
- Are more interested in maintaining the status quo than they are in making real progress.
- Are afraid to stand up to special interests.
- Lack the courage to make tough decisions.
- Are unwilling to sacrifice their own interests for the greater good.
As The New Yorkers Joshua Rothman writes In “Leadership BS *ad
“Stanford’s Graduate School of Business identifies five virtues that are almost universally praised by popular leadership writers—modesty, authenticity, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and selflessness—and argues that most real-world leaders ignore these virtues. (If anything, they tend to be narcissistic, back-stabbing, self-promoting shape-shifters.)”
Our Leaders don’t practice the virtues they say they care about
Our leaders are hypocrites. They preach about the importance of virtues like honesty and accountability, but they themselves don’t practice what they preach. They’re more interested in making us hate each other, TV appearances, lining their own pockets and staying in power than in doing what’s right for the people.
This hypocrisy is one of the main reasons why our country is in such a bad state.
In short, we need better leaders.
Our leaders need to be accountable for their actions and stop making excuses. We need brave leaders who are willing to do what’s right, and what’s necessary to get the job done.
Good Leaders in Government, Business – Everywhere!

And I’m not just talking about government. Leadership from elected officials would be great, but it’s not enough. We need leaders across society. We need them in business, at the local level, in the media entertainment, and in every other area of our lives.
These are not people that tell us what to do, it’s people who lead by example. Inspirational leaders across society. We need leaders who are committed to making a difference and who are willing to fight for what they believe in, not do the bidding of the powers that be.
- Leaders willing to stand up and fight for what’s right, even when it’s not popular.
- Who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and who are willing to lead by example.
With good leadership, anything is possible.
Business Leaders
In Larry Fink’s letter to CEOs in early 2022, the billionaire money manager told corporate leaders
“the world needs your leadership. As divisions continue to deepen, companies must demonstrate their commitment to the countries, regions, and communities where they operate, particularly on issues central to the world’s future prosperity. Companies cannot solve every issue of public importance, but there are many – from retirement to infrastructure to preparing workers for the jobs of the future – that cannot be solved without corporate leadership.”
You can question Fink’s authenticity, but those words are pretty spot on. The problems we’re facing are too big for us to deal with without help from the private section. They have all the money and the bulk of the smart, hard-working types.
We need business leaders to step up and give us a hand.
Why do we need better leaders?
Because take a look around!
Good leaders are essential for any organization or community. They provide stability, direction and a sense of purpose. In turbulent times, good leaders can help maintain order and keep people focused on their goals. They lend credibility and integrity to an enterprise, something that is especially important in these days of rampant corruption. It’s therefore crucial that we develop accountable and competent leaders to help us achieve our objectives.
We can’t rely on a single leader to fix our problems
But as important as good leadership is, we need to avoid falling into a cult of personality. We can’t look for just one pernos to fix all our problems. The New Yorkers Joshua Rothman quotes author Elizabeth Samet writing in Leadership: Essential Writings by Our Greatest Thinkers *Ad that our veneration of leaders leaves us vulnerable to “the false prophets, the smooth operators, the gangsters, and the demagogues” who say they can save us.
“People themselvs they must be taught to reverence themselvs instead of adoreing their servants their Generals Admirals Bishops and Statesmen.”
How did Obama and Trump work out?
Some of you reading will likely have liked either Obama or Trump (some of the wackiest among you liked both!) But I mean come on…. Did either really do even a fraction of the BS they sold on the trail?
Both didn’t get shit accomplished.
End of story.
The system is too ingrained. One person can’t do anything, even the President.
Obama was too arrogant, Trump was too fucking stupid. And arrogant, and narcissistic. (Can you even become president this day and age without being arrogant?)
Supporters of Trump and Obama put a lot of faith in their ability to dismantle “the system.” Both of their campaigns were based on that premise. But at the end of the day, did either really change anything?
Even if their intentions were in the right place, the system is too entrenched.
One person can’t fix it. And even if they could we shouldn’t put out faith in one person.

Are competent leaders too much to ask?
What Do We Want in a Leader?
It can be tough to define what exactly makes a good leader. After all, people are complex and there are many different ways to lead effectively. However, there are a few key characteristics that are essential for any leader.
First and foremost, leaders need to be competent. They need to understand their field of expertise and be able to not fuck shit up worse than it is.
Before we get too far into how to get better leaders, there’s an important caveat:
We Are the leaders, You and Me, and Anyone Who Gives a Flying F*** Needs To Be
That being said, we do need to have some adults in the room.
We do need to have leaders who have our best interest at heart, not scoring political points. Owning the libs or “resisting” at the cost of progress.
What is a good leader?
The Number One Job of a Leader is to Create More Leaders
A leader’s real job is to create more leaders, not more followers. A true leader knows that their job is to develop others and help them reach their full potential. By creating more leaders, we can create real change in the world. Leaders who are willing to mentor and support others are the ones who will make the biggest impact.
Encouraging and Supporting Leadership Development Programs
One way to encourage and support leadership development is to provide funding for leadership programs. These programs can help people learn the skills they need to be successful leaders. They can also help people identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide them with the tools they need to improve their leadership abilities.
Promote Integrity and Accountability in Leaders
One way to promote integrity and accountability in leaders is to require them to meet certain standards. This could include things like being honest and ethical, being accountable for their actions, and being willing to put the needs of the people they are leading first.
Foster a Culture of Learning and Growth
In order to foster a culture of learning and growth, we need to provide opportunities for people to learn and grow. This includes things like providing training and development programs, encouraging and supporting leadership development, and promoting integrity and accountability in leaders.
Encourage Risk-Taking and Innovation
An environment where people feel safe to take risks and experiment is key. Today, we just do a social media pile-on whenever something is slightly less than perfect. We need a clear understanding of what risk-taking and innovation look like, and identify the qualities that make someone successful in these areas.
Celebrate Success and Learn from Failure
Celebrate success by sharing stories of overcoming adversity and learning from failure, and use these stories to motivate others. Learning from failure is essential to success. By sharing stories of our failures, we can help others learn from our mistakes and become more successful in their own endeavors.
Build a Community of Leaders
Providing funding for leadership programs is one way to help. These programs can help people learn the skills they need to be successful leaders. They can also help people identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide them with the tools they need to improve their leadership abilities.
Lead by example
Perhaps the best way to lead is by example. When leaders set the example by behaving in a way that is consistent with the values and goals of the organization, it makes it easier for others to follow. Leaders who are honest and ethical, who put the needs of the people they are leading first, and who are willing to take risks and experiment are more likely to be successful.
Provide Opportunities for People to Lead
People need opportunities to lead in order to develop their skills and abilities. This could include things like providing training and development programs, encouraging and supporting leadership development, and promoting integrity and accountability in leaders.
Characteristics of Good Leaders
There are many different traits that define a good leader. Some of these include being competent, decisive, honest, and courageous. They have good values like cooperation and community development. They Inspire, give us hope. A good leader is someone who is able to make difficult decisions and who can be counted on to do what is right. They are also able to inspire others to work together toward a common goal.
Leaders need to be competent and have a clear vision for the future. They need to be able to set goals and motivate others to achieve them. Good leaders need to be honest and trustworthy, and they need to be able to make tough decisions when necessary. They also need to be able to listen to others and take their feedback into account.
A good leader must be honest and have strong moral principles. He or she should be someone who can be trusted to do the right thing, even when it’s difficult. Leaders with integrity are able to gain the trust and respect of others.
A good leader must be courageous. He or she should be willing to take risks and experiment. Leaders who are afraid to take risks will oftentimes make poor decisions. In these times we can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing, we need the courage to do new things, with the understanding things might not work out.
One of the most important traits of a good leader is modesty. A leader who is humble will be more likely to listen to others and take their feedback into account. They will also be less likely to put themselves above others. Modesty is a virtue that is often overlooked, but it is very important in leadership roles.
“We are all failures – at least the best of us are.”
J.M. Barrie
Productive leaders understand their limitations. That they don’t know everything. They consult “experts” (such a dirty word these days). Abraham Lincoln is famous for creating a “team of rivals” who gave him input and opinions from various points of view.
Understand Reality
“Success is achieved by people who deeply understand reality and know how to use it to get what they want.”
Ray Dalio
Capable leaders who understand their place in the world and are able to rally people around important causes are essential for making positive change.
Good Leaders are Authentic
People want to be led by someone they can trust. Someone who is real, and honest with them. A leader who is authentic will always put the needs of their followers first, and will never ask them to do anything they wouldn’t be willing to do themselves. People recognize realness, and they appreciate it. Being authentic builds trust, and trust is the foundation of any good leader-follower relationship.
A leader who is truthful is also more likely to be transparent. People need to know what is happening in order to understand the decisions that are being made. If a leader is hiding information, it can create suspicion and mistrust. Being transparent helps to build credibility and allows people to see the leader as someone who is open and honest.
It’s also important for leaders to be accountable for their actions. This means being responsible for the outcomes of their decisions, both good and bad. Leaders who are not accountable can quickly lose the trust of their followers. People
We need leaders that are reasonable, that play nicely with others. While we want them to dream big, their dreams must be founded in reality. We don’t want our leaders to be so caught up in their own visions that they forget about the people they’re supposed to be leading. We need leadership that is competent, and understands both themselves and the situation at hand.
There’s a reason “competent” and “leader” are often used together. A good leader must be competent in order to be effective. They must know what they’re doing, and be able to do it well. This is the bare minimum we should expect from our leaders.
Leaders need to be truthful in order to be effective. When people know that they can trust what their leader is saying, they are more likely to follow them. If a leader is not truthful, it can quickly undermine their credibility and authority. Additionally, being truthful builds trust between the leader and the followers, which is essential for a successful relationship. followers need to trust that their leader has their best interests at heart and is not going to mislead them.
Leaders need to be trustworthy in order to be effective. When people know that they can trust what their leader is saying, they are more likely to follow them. If a leader is not truthful, it can quickly undermine their credibility and authority. Additionally, being truthful builds trust between the leader and the followers, which is essential for a successful relationship. followers need to trust that their leader has their best interests at heart and is not going to mislead them.
It’s important for leaders to be selfless because it allows them to put the needs of others before their own. This type of attitude allows people to trust and respect their leader, knowing that they have their best interests at heart. Leaders who are selfless are able to inspire others and rally them around a common cause, making progress possible.
While it’s important for leaders to be competent, it’s also essential that they be accountable. This means being responsible for their actions and owning up to their mistakes. People need to know that their leader is someone they can trust, and who will take responsibility for their decisions. Good leaders are able to inspire others and help make progress toward our goals.
Leaders need to be brave in order to make progress toward our goals. This means taking risks and doing what’s necessary to get the job done, even if it’s not popular. Brave leaders are able to inspire others and rally them around a common cause, making progress possible. We need brave leaders who are willing to do what’s right, and who are accountable for their actions, in order to make progress on the issues that matter most
Promote integrity and accountability in leaders
One way to promote integrity and accountability in leaders is to require them to meet certain standards. This could include things like being honest and ethical, being accountable for their actions, and being willing to put the needs of the people they are leading first.
Foster a culture of learning and growth
In order to foster a culture of learning and growth, we need to provide opportunities for people to learn and grow. This includes things like providing training and development programs, encouraging and supporting leadership development, and promoting integrity and accountability in leaders.
Encourage risk-taking and innovation
In order to encourage risk-taking and innovation, we need to create an environment where people feel safe to take risks and experiment. We just do a social media pile-on whenever something is slightly less than perfect. This means that we need to have a clear understanding of what risk-taking and innovation look like, and identify the qualities that make someone successful in these areas. We also need to provide opportunities for people to develop their skills and put them in positions where they can take risks and experiment.
Celebrate success and learn from failure
Celebrate success by sharing stories of overcoming adversity and learning from failure, and use these stories to motivate others. Learning from failure is essential to success. By sharing stories of our failures, we can help others learn from our mistakes and become more successful in their own endeavors.
Build a community of leaders
One way to build a community of leaders is to provide funding for leadership programs. These programs can help people learn the skills they need to be successful leaders. They can also help people identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide them with the tools they need to improve their leadership abilities.
Lead by example
One of the best ways to lead is by example. When leaders set the example by behaving in a way that is consistent with the values and goals of the organization, it makes it easier for others to follow. Leaders who are honest and ethical, who put the needs of the people they are leading first, and who are willing to take risks and experiment are more likely to be successful.
Provide opportunities for people to lead
People need opportunities to lead in order to develop their skills and abilities. This could include things like providing training and development programs, encouraging and supporting leadership development, and promoting integrity and accountability in leaders.
Understand their role
We need leaders to understand their role, which is to inspire people, make decisions, allow people to do their jobs well, and to be accountable. Leaders need to have a clear vision and be able to communicate it. They should be able to work collaboratively with others and make things happen.
What do we need leaders to do?
Leaders need to be competent and able to handle difficult tasks. They need to be able to make decisions based on what is best for the group, not themselves. Leaders need to be able to stay level-headed in difficult situations and be good role models for their followers. They also need to be able to communicate effectively, and be honest with their followers. Finally, leaders must be accountable for their actions and be willing to take responsibility for their mistakes.
Set the right goals
Leaders are important because they help set the tone for an organization and can help guide it in the right direction. In order to do this, leaders need to be competent and able to handle difficult tasks. They need to be able to make decisions based on what is best for the group, not themselves. Leaders need to be able to stay level-headed in difficult situations and be good role models for their followers. They also need to be able to communicate effectively, and be honest with their followers. Finally, leaders must be accountable for their actions and be willing to take responsibility for their mistakes.
Communicate effectively
Part of being a good leader is being able to communicate effectively with your followers. This means being able to listen to their concerns and ideas, and then relay that information back to them in a way that is clear and concise. It also means being able to articulate your own vision for what you want to achieve and why it is important. If you can’t communicate your ideas well, it will be difficult to get others on board with your vision.
Set the right priorities
A good leader understands that in order to be effective, they need to set the right priorities. This means that they need to focus on the things that are most important and that will have the biggest impact. They also need to be able to delegates tasks effectively and make sure that everyone is working towards the same goal.
Provide Cohesion
In order to be a good leader, you need to be able to provide cohesion. This means that you need to be able to bring people together and get them to work towards a common goal. Cohesion builds consistency and encourages coordination and control within the company.
Provide Structure
A good leader also needs to provide structure. This means that they need to be able to create a system that is organized and efficient. There is a reason good leaders provide structure – it is because it is essential to accomplishing goals. They know who can do what. Leaders need to understand the structure and hierarchy of government and society in general and be able to create a plan and rally people around it in order to make progress. Without good leadership, there would be chaos and no clear path forward.
Provide Focus
Good leaders understand the importance of providing focus for their team. By having a clear vision and mission, it allows everyone to be on the same page and work together towards a common goal. A good leader aligns the entire company towards achieving its vision, mission, and goals. This can be extremely beneficial in terms of productivity and achieving results. Additionally, good leaders are able to keep everyone motivated by creating an inspiring vision that people can rally behind.
Avoids Distractions
There are so many distractions, the media is really one big distraction machine. good leaders have the ability to focus on what matters and ignore distractions.
“I will have to remember ‘I am here today to cross the swamp, not to fight all the alligators.’”
The Art of Possibility *ad by Rosamund and Benjamin Zander
Use resources effectively
In order to be an effective leader, it is important to understand how to best use money and human resources to achieve our goals. Money can be used to hire employees, purchase supplies, and fund initiatives, while human resources can be used to recruit new members, build relationships with stakeholders, and disseminate information. By understanding the importance of both money and human resources, leaders can more effectively rally people around important causes.
Creates Connections
Good leaders know how to create connections with their team. They understand that in order for the team to be successful, everyone needs to be on the same page. They fostering a better, more cooperative culture. Good leaders are able to rally the troops and get them on board with the company’s vision. They also know how to build rapport with their team members, which makes them more willing to work together.
Creating connections is an important skill for any leader to have. It helps the team to be more cohesive and allows everyone to be on the same page. Good leaders know how to create these connections, which makes them more effective at their jobs.
Connection: Builds team cohesiveness among the company’s various departments and divisions.
Good Leaders Inspire Us
Perhaps more than anything, we need leaders to inspire us, to point the way forward.
The best leaders are good at inspiring people and motivating them to achieve goals. This is because good leaders know how to articulate a vision and make people believe in it. When we have good leadership, it can give us hope and a sense of purpose. It motivates us. Good leaders can help us find the strength to persevere through difficult times and they can show us the way to a better future.
John Hamm wrote in The Harvard Business Journal writes “the real job of leadership is to inspire the organization to take responsibility for creating a better future. ” Hamm was writing for a business audience, but it applies to society in general, and it’s even more vital in politics.
Being a good leader isn’t easy, but it is essential if we want to make progress on the things that matter most. We need brave leaders who are willing to do what’s right and who are able to rally others around important causes. So let’s continue to develop honest and functional leaders who can help us move forward.
How Do We Get Good Leaders?
In order to foster good leadership, we need to create an environment where competent individuals can emerge and lead. This means that we need to have a clear understanding of what good leadership looks like, and identify the qualities that make a leader successful. We also need to provide opportunities for people to develop their skills and put them in positions of authority.
Leadership is a vitally important aspect of any organization, yet it can be difficult to find good leaders. There are many qualities that make a good leader, but some of the most important include competence, intelligence, and the ability to motivate others. It’s essential that we do what we can to get better leaders.
Pay Attention to the Substance
It’s important to understand the substance of what is going on in order to be a good leader. Leaders need to be able to see the big picture and understand the complexities of the world around them. They need to be able to make informed decisions that will benefit everyone involved. Without a good understanding of the substance, leaders can make careless mistakes that can have devastating consequences.
Good leaders are good communicators. They need to be able to articulate their vision and inspire others to follow them. They need to be able to build consensus and get people on board with their plans. Good leaders also know how to listen. They understand that there is always more to learn and that different people bring different skills to the table.
Stop Rewarding Distractions
One of the reasons that good leadership is so hard to come by is that we tend to reward distractions instead of competence. If we want people who can lead us effectively, we need to stop rewarding those who are good at making a lot of noise and start rewarding those who are good at getting things done. Reasonable people with workable solutions. This means that we need to be more selective about who we give our attention to and be more willing to walk away from those who are merely trying to get our attention for the sake of it.
A politician “owning” the other party isn’t good, it’s actually counter-productive because it just breeds more division. The media needs to do better than the Circle of Destruction.
Stop clicking on “destroy” headlines.
We also need to be more discerning about what we consider to be “leadership.” There are a lot of people out there who are good at getting people worked up about something, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re good at leading. A good leader is someone who can not only get people motivated, but also keep them focused and on track. They need to be able to articulate a clear vision and then rally people around it.
Demand accountability
One of the most important things we can do as citizens is demand accountability from our leaders. When they make mistakes, we need to be able to hold them accountable. This ensures that they are held responsible for their actions and that they are working in the best interests of the people they represent.
When leaders know that they will be held accountable for their actions, they are more likely to act responsibly and make decisions that are in the best interests of the people they represent. This is why it is so important that we demand accountability from our leaders. We need to make sure that they are always acting in our best interests and that they are accountable for their actions.
That means writing editorials in your newspaper. Or posting them on a blog, even on social media. It means contacting your representatives and asking tough questions..
Vote better
It’s important that we take the time to vote for good leaders. We need people in office who are competent and understand their role in the world. People who can rally folks around important causes and make a difference. We need good leaders to make our world a better place. So let’s make sure we vote wisely and choose the best people to lead us. Elections are important and we need to make our voices heard.
Choose good leaders and make a difference.
Impact Consumerism
As consumers, we have the power to shape the world for the better. Get familiar with corporate leadership and support the corporate leaders that align with your values.
That’s why it’s important to get familiar with the leadership of the companies you support. Research the individuals that make up a company’s board of directors and upper management. See what causes they support and whether their actions match their words.
When you know which companies are being led by good leaders, you can make a more informed decision about where to spend your money. With every purchase, you have the opportunity to vote for the kind of world you want to live in.
Foster Real Leadership
One way to do this is to identify the qualities that good leaders possess and work to foster those qualities in potential leaders.
Another way to get better leaders is to provide opportunities for them to step up and show their leadership skills.
Develop the leaders of tomorrow
The future is coming one way or the other. Those of us that have been around a while know that the future sneaks up on you faster than you think.
We need to develop the leaders of tomorrow now because they will be the ones that are in charge of making sure the world is a good place. We need good leaders to help us solve the problems that we are facing. We need good leaders to inspire us and help us find our way.
So, how do we develop the leaders of tomorrow?
We need to start by identifying the qualities that make a good leader. Some of the qualities that come to mind are:
- The ability to rally people around a cause
- The ability to inspire people
- The ability to solve problems
Once we have identified the qualities that make a good leader, we need to start looking for those qualities in the people around us. We need to encourage the people who have those qualities to step up and take on leadership roles.
We also need to provide opportunities for people to develop their leadership
We need to develop healthy youth that grows up to be real leaders. This involves improving education generally and having schools promote the development of leadership skills.
Seek out and support helpful groups
If we want good leaders, we need to get involved with groups that promote good values, like cooperation and community development. These are the types of groups that can help us develop the leaders of tomorrow. When we work together towards a common goal, we can create powerful change. So let’s seek out and support groups that are making a difference in the world.
Some helpful groups working to devel better leaders are:
- National Youth Leadership Council – Their mission: “To create a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world, with young people, their schools, and communities through service-learning. What is service-learning? An approach to teaching and learning in which students use academic and civic knowledge and skills to address genuine community needs.”
- Young Leaders Council– “mission is to train diverse, committed individuals to effectively participate on the boards of nonprofit organizations and make a difference in the community by replenishing the volunteer leadership base.”
- Environmental Health and Justice Leadership Training (EHJLT) – Introduces members to “environmental justice, environmental health, community organizing, and campaign work to prepare more leaders from Northern Manhattan for advocacy work.”
- Campus Compact – “a national coalition of colleges and universities committed to the public purposes of higher education. We build democracy through civic education and community development.”
- Conscious Leadership Group – “support leaders and their teams to build trust and create conscious cultures through coaching, consulting, forums, trainings, and speaking.”
- Flow Genome Project– “share best practices from optimal psychology, neuroscience, and experiential leadership––taught in dynamic learning environments that are challenging, fun, and transformational.”
42 Ways to Get Good Leaders
Here is a comprehensive, specific way of 100 ways to get more good leaders in society, government and corporations.
- Identify the qualities that make a good leader.
- Look for leaders who possess these qualities.
- Train leaders to develop the necessary skills.
- Encourage good leaders to share their knowledge and experience.
- Promote good leadership practices.
- Recognize the contributions of good leaders.
- Develop leadership training programs that focus on the essential skills and qualities of good leaders.
- Encourage good leaders to mentor others who are seeking to develop their leadership skills.
- Promote good leadership practices through case studies, articles, and other forms of media.
- Recognize the contributions of good leaders through awards, scholarships, and other forms of recognition.
- Encourage good leaders to speak publicly about their experiences and the lessons they have learned.
- Invite good leaders to participate in panels, workshops, and other events that focus on leadership development.
- Connect good leaders with others who can provide advice, support, and resources.
- Encourage good leaders to write articles, books, and blog posts about their experiences and lessons learned.
- Promote good leadership through social media, using hashtags, blog carnivals, and other online initiatives.
- Recognize the contributions of good leaders in the local community through news stories, feature articles, and other forms of media.
- Invite good leaders to participate in local events, such as conferences, summits, and forums.
- Connect good leaders with others in the community who can provide advice, support, and resources.
- Encourage good leaders to volunteer their time and expertise to local organizations and causes.
- Recognize good leaders who are making a difference in the lives of others.
Encourage good leaders to continue their education and professional development. - Connect good leaders with resources that can help them further their career goals.
- Promote good leadership through positive role models and mentors.
Encourage good leaders to be active in professional and civic organizations. - Connect good leaders with opportunities to serve on boards and committees.
- Invite good leaders to participate in networking events, such as luncheons, mixers, and conferences.
- Connect good leaders with others who can provide advice, support, and resources.
- Encourage good leaders to stay informed about current events and issues.
- Promote good leadership through continued education and professional development.
- Encourage good leaders to be active in their community and to make a difference in the lives of others.
- Connect good leaders with opportunities to serve on boards and committees.
- Invite good leaders to participate in networking events, such as luncheons, mixers, and conferences.
- Connect good leaders with others who can provide advice, support, and resources.
- Encourage good leaders to stay informed about current events and issues.
- Promote good leadership through continued education and professional development.
- Encourage good leaders to be active in their community and to make a difference in the lives of others.
- Connect good leaders with opportunities to serve on boards and committees.
- Invite good leaders to participate in networking events, such as luncheons, mixers, and conferences.
- Connect good leaders with others who can provide advice, support, and resources.
- Encourage good leaders to stay informed about current events and issues.
- Promote good leadership through continued education and professional development.
- Encourage good leaders to be active in their communities and with causes they believe in.
By doing these things, we can help to ensure that there are more good leaders in the world. This is vitally important, as good leaders can make a huge difference in the world. They can inspire others to take action on important issues, and they can help to bring about positive change. We need good leaders now more than ever,
What we need are real leaders, leaders who are accountable to the people they represent, leaders who are willing to do what’s right, and what’s necessary, even if it means making tough decisions. We need leaders