A Functioning Government

Many people have the crazy idea that having a functioning government would be a good thing.

A functioning government works for the people it represents. One that passes laws that improve the lives of its citizens. That uses tax dollars effectively to improve infrastructure and provide services.

It’s important to have a government that functions properly.

Today in America, the government is not functioning well.

When we talk about the government or politicians, this is what most of us do.


It shouldn’t be like this.

What is a “government” and what are its functions?
A government is a system of rules and regulations that manage a society. It establishes order and ensures that the people within that society are treated fairly and equally. The government also provides services to its citizens, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. It also collects taxes to fund these services. Governments have different forms, such as democracy, monarchy, or dictatorship. The type of government in place affects how it functions. For example, a dictatorship might not function very well because the leader has all the power and can make bad decisions without input from others. A democracy is more likely to function properly because the people have a say in what happens.
But even though Democracy can work well doesn’t mean it does.

The Difference Between a Good and Bad Government

A good government is one that truly works for the people it governs, ensuring that laws passed support and benefit them and their way of life. It should use citizen taxes effectively and strive to make improvements within the nation wherever and whenever possible.
A bad government on the other hand, might put its own interests first or struggle to pass laws that are beneficial in any way, resulting in little progress or development being made. Such a government will often use taxpayers’ money poorly or inefficiently, leaving negative impacts on the citizens they should be serving.

What Is An Effective Government?

An effective government benefits the people it represents and has their support. It ensures the country has the basic building blocks of a strong society, including education, healthcare, and infrastructure. It ensures that people are treated fairly and equally. It collects taxes fairly and efficiently to fund these services. It makes sure our communities are thriving. It makes sure its citizens are taken care of and that they have the opportunity to succeed.

A government helps improve the lives of its citizens

The Benefits of a Productive Government

A strong government helps improve the economy, provides social security programs, and makes sure all citizens have access to healthcare. It protects and promotes our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A good government strives to make a better world for its, people. Having a functioning government goes a long way toward a healthy society.

Some of the functions useful governments perform are:

  • Improving the economy
  • Ensuring a good education system
  • Protecting from foreign interference
  • Supporting good infrastructure
  • Maintaining order
  • Makes sure citizens have access to good healthcare
  • Protects minorities and other groups within society

A functioning government helps society flourish.

Quality Over Quantity – Making Sure Each Law Counts

A functioning government is all about quality over quantity when it comes to passing laws, ensuring each and every one works to improve the lives of the citizens. Laws passed should be well-thought-out and useful to everyone they affect, using tax dollars thoughtfully so that their impact is maximized. That way, the government can guarantee its people are receiving the most bang for their buck – a sign of a truly responsible government

The Consequences of Bad Government

If a government is not effective, it can have serious consequences for the people who live under it. A government that doesn’t work can’t pass laws that improve the lives of its citizens. It can cause a lot of problems for the people living in that country.

Some of the consequences of not having a functional government include:

Holding the Government Accountable

Unfortunately, and despite what they tell us on the campaign trail, our politicians don’t work for us. The political class only passes laws that make people money.  Our corrupt media, the extreme division, and the broken election system keep these lousy politicians in power year after year.

Despite what are clearly horrible results, the incumbent wins re-election like 90 percent of the time. WTF is that?

The government should be held accountable for its actions by the people it represents.

We all play a part in trying to get elected officials to represent us. Contact your representatives, ask what they are working on, and how it affects you. How are they improving infrastructure or helping provide services effectively and efficiently.

Help ensure they are using our tax dollars effectively, and that our leaders aren’t wasting money or spending on counterproductive actions that hurt the common good.

If we want a better government, we need better leaders. Accountable leaders. We need elected officials that work to make our lives better.

Educating yourself about the issues, and talking about them with other people, particularly those you don’t agree with, is a responsible thing to do. Unfortunately, until we address issues like the broken election system or the corrupt media, voting only does so much. But it’s still good.


Citizens need transparency, a clear understanding of how their representatives are making decisions, and how tax dollars are spent. We need to know what they are doing and why.  Who is lobbying who, and what policies they are pushing? Bills with thousands of pages of legal jargon that not one person reads all the way through are not transparent.

We need a functioning media that tells us the truth. Not one acting like arms of the political establishment.

Getting involved in politics or even running for office is also helpful. We need as many non-monsters in government as we can get.

Coordinated, cooperative actions like protests, rallies, and petitions also play an important role.

There are many ways we can make our government more effective and efficient. Here are some of the strategies to make the government function better.

How to Make A Better Government:

Build on What Exists

Build on What Exists

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A Functioning Government is a Must-Have

A functioning government is important for a society to function properly. Our government should work for the people it represents and pass laws that improve our lives.

It’s a complicated issue but perhaps the defining issue of our time. The lousy government and corrupt political class that’s been running the show for the past few decades are causing all kinds of pain. They are making so many issues so much harder than they have to be. It’s almost like our leaders are purposely doing as bad a job as they possibly can.

But still, America is a great country and we can make it so much better.

Making our government more effective and efficient is necessary for a society to function properly.

A better future is out there.

How to Create A Better Government >>

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