A functioning Democracy relies on an informed electorate. Without it, elections can’t play their vital role in ensuring elected officials have our best interests at heart. We can’t hold those in power accountable if we don’t know what’s going on.
As a species, we are facing some big challenges, and it is more important than ever to be able to discern real news from fake news. Unfortunately, the past two decades have seen an increasing amount of “news” comes from sources that have questionable no journalistic and ethical standards. The prevalence of biased news sources with destructive agendas and sketchy integrity is one of the biggest problems facing the country.
Quality investigative reporting by credible journalists offers us a way to move forward as a country. The goal is for people to get informed perspectives from honest and competent professionals with standards of quality. We need to know what’s real – and what isn’t.

We need the powerful held to account. We need them working on our behalf, not preening, whining, or chasing their tail on social media and cable news. Today’s politicians and media figures are in cahoots, selling us a make-believe reality with clear-cut heroes and villains, where all the problems are 100 percent the fault of “the other side” aka the bad people.
Because competent, accountable, and reality-based investigation is not making it into the mainstream, America is being overrun by fake news, manufactured outrage peddled as truths. And with no accountability from the culprits. “Both sides” are full of hacks and liars who tell their audience what they want to hear.
We need real news that investigates the world honestly, to bring the public the best information possible.
Demanding real news from legitimate sources is the only way to improve our system. We need the government, businesses, and society generally to operate based on reality rather than fraudulent claims forged only for political and monetary gain.
The Media Today Is Just Distractions and Noise

All day every day, we’re bombarded with superficial stories that only tell one side of the story meant to distract us. The news media today is focused on shallow stories and click-bait headlines, not real investigative journalism. It is much easier and cheaper to invent a make-believe world catering to a specific audience than it is to do the real work of investigative journalism.
The Media’s Only Goal is to Divide Us
The media is the driving force of the polarization that has crippled the government. Gridlock is the rule of the land in Washington, and when we ask why nothing is happening, politicians and their lackeys just blame the other side.
The truth isn’t as simple as “the other side is bad.”
Conservatives and liberals, and everyone in between, play a role in the mess we have on our hands. A democracy can’t function in a country with two realities. Where each half lives on opposite, mutually-exclusive, ends of the reality spectrum.
The Powers that Be Don’t Want the Public Informed
Politicians and talking heads – the powers that be on both sides of the aisle – don’t want us informed. The make-believe, Disneyland view of the world is a distraction to keep us divided. By driving division, they can maintain the status quo and prevent real progress.
All Recent Presidents have Undermined Real Journalism
The Trump presidency was marked by hostility to the press, famously calling journalists the enemy of the people. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, the Trump administration:
“stepped up prosecutions of news sources, interfered in the business of media owners, harassed journalists crossing U.S. borders, and empowered foreign leaders to restrict their own media. But Trump’s most effective ploy has been to destroy the credibility of the press.”
Biden has paid lip service to the importance of journalism, but when it comes time to do anything, he’s as hypocritical as the rest.
Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland pretended to care, introducing legislation to protect journalists, but then did nothing to actually get the law passed. According to the Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF)
“The DOJ has not lifted a finger publicly or privately in order to help get its new media rules passed by Congress — despite the fact that multiple bills have been introduced that would do just that…. according to Sen. Wyden himself, the DOJ has not responded to half a dozen official inquiries from his office for comment on his PRESS Act.”
Obama tracked journalists and called them spies. According to the Washington Post:
“Late in the Obama administration, for example, there were some extreme intrusions into press rights — including the Justice Department’s invasive collection of Associated Press phone records, and the shocking decision to name Fox News reporter James Rosen a co-conspirator in an espionage case against a State Department security adviser. The FBI even tracked his movements to and from the State Department as he did his reporting about U.S. intelligence about North Korea.”
As much as some elected officials profess to care about journalism and truth, today’s elected leaders and the lobbyists who keep them there like the status quo just fine. They want to define what reality is and fight tooth and nail to prevent anything from challenging their land of make-believe.
Debunking the Fake News Epidemic
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
-George Orwell
The fake news epidemic is one of the reasons the country is in such bad shape. We live in an information vacuum that is ruled by unaccountable sources.
We are subject to misleading headlines, articles, and opinions masquerading as news. Fake news is not only misleading and harmful to our understanding of current events — it creates an atmosphere of confusion, chaos, and distrust about the actual truth. We need to discredit “news” designed to manipulate readers through falsehoods.
This leaves little hope of accurate information coming our way, which only serves to further erode trust and belief in the media; this is an unbelievably damaging cycle that can only be broken if we start demanding honest journalism.
The Role of Journalism in Defending Democracy
Journalists have an incredible and invaluable role in a democracy – to report the facts, to ask the tough questions, and most importantly, to ensure truth isn’t ignored, or hidden behind lies and propaganda. Good journalists keep citizens informed and engaged so that we can hold leaders accountable. Accountability is the bedrock of a democratic society.
It is our responsibility to make sure journalists are honest and accountable.
We need to restore some modicum of trust in journalism, and for honest and reliable information to reach as many people as possible. We must protect freedom of speech, allowing, encouraging and rewarding journalists for doing their job. We need to rally together, stand up for the truth, and support the people who fight for it every day.
Journalism Makes Government Work
Real journalism is essential to ensuring the government is accountable to the people. Real news powers a virtuous cycle. It yields more accountability from leaders, which leads to better elections, which leads to better leaders. As we see journalists acting with integrity, we have confidence in their work, further strengthening the foundations of democracy.
We need investigative journalists who can dig into the truth and shine a light on lies, corruption, and injustice. With competent and honest journalism, we can push for reforms and demand transparency from our elected officials.
We need to be aware of the agendas at play in our media ecosystem, including corporate-owned outlets that may have an agenda or a bias towards certain political groups. We should also take note of the multiwall exclusive content that some platforms offer as it can be a way for them to manipulate our opinions, even when it’s meant to educate us.
We Need to Know What’s Happening

Real News involves using investigative journalism to see through the distractions and understand what’s happening.
It’s a complicated world and those in charge want us to hate each other so that they can keep the status quo as is.
We need trustworthy journalists that provide in-depth stories to help us make sense of the world around us. Real news is free of corporate agendas.

Democracy requires an informed electorate. Voting and elections don’t produce good outcomes when they are based on false narratives.
Without reliable news sources, citizens are unable to make informed decisions about their government. We need honest and accurate reporting from independent sources for the public to have a say in their fate.
The only way we will get honest journalism is if citizens demand it. We must call out unethical sources and hold government officials responsible for their decisions. If we want to live in a country with integrity, then we must ensure that investigative journalists have the freedom to get to the truth.
Honest information is the only way to progress
It’s clear to any reasonable person that one of the biggest requirements for progress is honest and accountable journalism. Investigative, fact-based journalism has an essential role in exposing corruption, mismanagement of public funds, unethical behavior, and more.
If we want to hold those in power accountable, reform elections, get money out of Washington, increase transparency, drive Impact Consumerism and all the other strategies for progress we’re talking about, we need real news from trusted sources. We must call out the lies, hypocrisy, and downright malfeasance going on all around us.

We need reliable news sources that produce engaging stories that meet stringent ethical standards. Investigative reporters who are willing to ask tough questions and get to the root of what’s going on. If we want to protect our civil liberties and further justice, real sources of news are a must.
We Need News Without Agendas
Led by, but not limited to, cable news and social media, the media has distractions and division as their only goal. They tell the audience what they want to hear, not what’s happening.
It’s about emotion, if they can scare viewers they get higher ratings and more clicks. Outrage and superficial hot takes removed from reality rule the day. See Compromised media >>
Support Investigative Reporters
Investigative reporters risk their careers, reputations, and even their lives to uncover the truth and bring justice. From Assange to Reuters, they are constantly under attack for shedding light on some of the most powerful people in our society.

In a world where information and news are easily manipulated, these brave individuals take a stand against lying politicians, media conglomerates, and other powerful groups to support the average person’s right to know the truth.
We need to provide activists and investigative journalists with resources so they can continue holding those in power accountable and make sure that we as citizens remain informed with honest journalism.
Calling Out the Lying Liars
The disheartening truth is that the most powerful media personalities are there because people watch them. Whether on the left or the right, the most celebrated media figures are the ones that drive the most division. And people watch them. Indeed, there isn’t much “real news” competing with them, but each night millions of Americans tune in to be told why they need to hate the other side today.
A campaign to shame the most egregious lies might have some promise to it. If we start actively pointing out that these people are lying, and take away their power through public shaming, maybe they will stop. It is time to call out the liars and restore some semblance of integrity in our media landscape.
And we also need to reduce their viewership. Reasonable people need to explain to the true believers on the left and the right that they are not helping the country just by hating the other side. Just being upset and angry at a make-believe adversary is counter-productive.
Living in an echo chamber where everyone tells you what you already believe (very little of it is based on reality) is not a good way to achieve progress.
There are ways to urge citizens to seek out above-board sources for their news, such as reputable newspapers, or television networks, or internet commentators.
We must demand journalists and media outlets adhere to a high standard of accuracy in both what they report and how they report it—we cannot let them get away with deceiving audiences or distorting reality for their gain.
Ultimately, we are responsible for ensuring that people are provided with valid information rather than untrustworthy drivel.
There are all kinds of ways we can support real news.
Support Local Journalism
One way to bring reality back to the media is to support local journalism. Smaller outlets are often doing the same work as major media companies, but with a fraction of the budget and resources. We need to support these smaller organizations and make sure they can continue to report on what’s happening in our communities.
The AP explains the importance of local journalism in keeping the government accountable.
“According to an Associated Press analysis of data compiled by the University of North Carolina, more than 1,400 towns and cities in the U.S. have lost a newspaper over the past 15 years. Many of those are in rural and lower-income areas, often with an aging population.”
Solutions Journalism
Another path to improving the sad state of journalism is what’s being called “Solutions Journalism.” Rather than promulgating despair and pointing fingers, Solutions Journalism focuses on constructive solutions to social problems. It is a powerful tool for creating positive change.
This type of journalism is designed to inform citizens and foster collaboration between different parties. When implemented correctly, it can lead to real progress on the ground level that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.
Citizen Journalism
Another option to bring truth back into the public realm is what’s known as Citizen Journalism. This type of journalism relies on ordinary citizens to contribute articles, photos, and videos about topics they are passionate about. It’s an effective way to reach audiences that traditional media has difficulty accessing, and it allows for stories to be told from a different perspective than what would usually be found in major outlets.
In the era of social media, news travels fast. Citizen Journalism can help to keep local news alive and thriving, which is vital for having a functional democracy. It can be especially useful in holding elected officials to account. If enough of their constituents are concerned about an issue that is getting a lot of attention on social media, you can bet their people will make it a priority to at least pretend to care.
Organizations Promoting a Free and Productive Press
The good news is that many organizations are fighting for more transparent and accountable media. These groups work hard to promote press freedom, access to information, and press safety. They provide training for journalists and set up legal resources for those facing repression.
These organizations are essential for the health of our media environment and if you want to make a difference, supporting them is a good place to start.
- NewsMatch – A collaborative fundraising movement to support independent, public service journalism.
- Freedom Forum – Dedicated to raising “awareness of First Amendment freedoms through education, advocacy, and action, sharing the stories of Americans who have exercised their rights to ignite change.”
- Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) – Works to “defend and empower public-interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption, and law-breaking in government.”
- Freedom House – A non-profit for advancing freedom around the world by providing support for independent media and advocating for press freedom.
- Media Matters for America – Dedicated to holding the media accountable for the information they report.
- Center for Public Integrity – A nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that “produces original investigative journalism about significant public issues to make institutional power accountable.”
- Nieman Journalism Lab – A research center at Harvard University dedicated to exploring the future of journalism.
- Solutions Journalism Network – “Leading a global shift in journalism, focused on what the news misses most often: how people are trying to solve problems and what we can learn from their successes or failures.”
- Accountable Journalism – A nonprofit organization that is focused on promoting ethical and responsible journalism through research, education, consulting, and advocacy.
These are just a few of the many organizations that are fighting for a free and effective press. If you have any you’d like to share, please be in touch. We must all do our part to support these organizations and make sure they can continue to report the truth. It is essential for having a healthy democracy.
Help Us Build a Media Environment Based in Reality

As responsible citizens and consumers of media, we must ensure that fact-checking and investigative journalism, which plays such a vital role in society, can continue.
We need to be vigilant about the sources we read and use to form opinions.
By raising awareness around these issues in our communities, staying up-to-date with current events from reliable outlets, supporting investigative reporters and the organizations that champion honest journalism, and speaking out against those who propagate false information for personal gain or agenda-setting, we can help foster an environment where truth is not something bought or sold.