Cooperation: The Way to Go

The best way to fix a problem is to cooperate with others. This cooperation can take many forms, from working together on a project to sharing resources and knowledge.

Of course, cooperation is not always possible or practical, but it is often the best way to fix a problem in society. When people work together towards a common goal, they can achieve far more than they could alone.

To achieve anything in this world, we need to cooperate. Division and anger are too common and lead only to destruction. When we work together, we can achieve great things. By cooperating, we create synergies that help us move forward faster and farther than we could ever go alone.

Democracy Depends on Compromise

Compromise is at the heart of democracy and is essential to an America that works. To find common ground and compromise, we need to concentrate on real solutions. Both sides of the aisle want the same thing: to promote the common good.

However, to find bipartisan solutions, we need to be willing to compromise. For example, both Democrats and Republicans may want to reduce taxes, but they have different ideas about how to do so. To find a solution that works for both parties, they need to be willing to compromise. Compromise is essential for democracy to function and it is also part of being a human being. We all want the same thing: to be happy and have our needs met. And if we want it for ourselves, we should accept that everyone else is entitled to it as well.

Cooperation Can Help us Achieve So Much

A Better Future

A Better Future

We can build a better tomorrow. We have the tools to create a world we can be proud of - we just need to do it.
More Accountability

More Accountability

Increased accountability can drive progress. Lack of consequences for wrongdoing are detrimental. More accountability is crucial for a better future.
Strong Communities

Strong Communities

Strong and thriving communities have the power to drastically improve everyday life across the country. They help everything and are an important goal.

Agree to Disagree

The goal is to agree on certain things, but be able to agree to disagree without being disagreeable. When there are differences we should, be able to say (and mean) I understand where you’re coming from, what you think/believe, and why you feel that way, I just feel differently.

Disagreeing With You Does Not Make the Other Person Evil

We are animals and we get worked up. Our biology encourages us to see things in simplistic, black or white, us vs. them, with me or against me terms. But we’ve come a long way and we don’t have to behave like animals.

It’s hard to be a person in this crazy mixed-up world, and with such a variance in our background, it’s no surprise we have different opinions.

The Media and Politicians Want Us Distracted

The media thrives on outrage, it’s where the ratings come from so they can sell more ads.

And as long as elected officials can just blame the other side instead of taking responsibility for the gridlock in government, they are all too happy too.

Don’t let them get away with it.

Without Cooperation, Bad things Happen



Gridlock is the law of the land. Government hasn't done anything of value in years. But all is not lost. We can demand accountability.
Office Politics

Office Politics

Everyone aspires to be successful, and win trophies with the title “best” inscribed. Some people will go to any length, even if it means backstabbing, breaking a few bones, or

Most People are Good

You’re a good person, right?

There’s a good chance you’re a good person.

And so are most of the people you know.

And believe it or not, so are most of the people you don’t know.

If you’re an Extrepublicrat that lives on the extreme left or right it might be hard to believe.

But it’s true.

50 percent of the country does not worship satan.

Studies show that the majority of people are good.

We Can Create More Cooperation

Being Constructive: How to Move Forward

Being Constructive: How to Move Forward

Cooperation required for progress. And being constructive is essential to cooperation. Things run smoother when everyone is on the same page.
Follow the Golden Rule

Follow the Golden Rule

We've all heard the famous adage to ‘treat others as you want to be treated’. But how much weight does it really hold? In a world where we challenge almost
Force Multipliers: Turbo-charging Societal Progress:

Force Multipliers: Turbo-charging Societal Progress:

Leveraging Force Multipliers can change the world. They apply to just about any industries or field, and can have a significant impact on outcomes and success.
How to Change the World

How to Change the World

"Changing the World Is the Only Fit Work for a Grown Man" -Howard Luck Gossage
Impact Consumerism

Impact Consumerism

The private sector can't keep sitting on the sidelines as we decend further into chaos. We need businesses to help. #DemandMoreforYourDollar.
Legal Reform

Legal Reform

Our Legal System Should be an Asset, Not a Hindrance. We've got to Create a Legal System That Furthers Progress, Not Styfles It.
Prioritize Human Flourishing

Prioritize Human Flourishing

A culture that prioritizes human flourishing rather than profit at any cost will go a long way toward building a better future.
Promoting the Common Good

Promoting the Common Good

Doing what's best for society at large instead of what benefits a small minority is the best way to move forward.
Reduce Health Care Cost

Reduce Health Care Cost

Getting a grip on health care costs is a must. These wacked out costs are holding us back and making us sick.
Reducing Polarization

Reducing Polarization

Reducing the division is the only way we can move forward. How do we do it? Discover the best strategies to help reduce polarization.
Reform the Media

Reform the Media

A drastic overhaul of the media landscape is essential for making progress. We can't move forward if we don't know where we are. Reform the Media Now.
Reward "Good" Work

Reward “Good” Work

By rewarding work beneficial to the collective good, we can create a culture where people are motivated to make positive change happen.
Systems Thinking: Navigating Complexity

Systems Thinking: Navigating Complexity

Systems Theory provides a framework for understanding the complexity of the world and how to improve it.
Taking Personal Responsibility

Taking Personal Responsibility

If you are unhappy with your life and the world you can't put it all on others. You are the only person that you are fully in control of.
We're One, Big Organism

We’re One, Big Organism

Planet Earth And All Of Us Are One Big Organism. Our Planet, Our Responsibility.

So Why Does it Seem Like There’s So Much Bad In the World?

Because bad is louder than good.

Bad news sells newspapers (you know what I mean) and gets clicks on websites.

Good news is boring.

But that doesn’t mean there’s more bad than good.

It just means we hear about the bad more often.

An Inept, Lazy and Compromised Media

An Inept, Lazy and Compromised Media

The news media is devastating our country. Anger, division and distractions rule the day, and it's not good for anyone. Just how bad is it?
Astroturfing: Making Friends and Influencing People - Without Really Trying

Astroturfing: Making Friends and Influencing People – Without Really Trying

From dinner conversations to desperate marketing tactics, have you ever encountered a situation where it seemed like what people were saying wasn't quite right? Perhaps their passionate commitment to something


Corruption has devastating consequences and fighting it is vital to a better future.


Incentives determine what the word looks like. By designing effective strategies to incentivize productive behaviour, we can change the world.
Irresponsible Corporations

Irresponsible Corporations

Businesses can't be actively harming society. Corporations need to be accountable for their impact on society.
Lobbying - Just Super Lame

Lobbying – Just Super Lame

Money in government is really messing things up. Learn about lobbying and how it is destroying America.
Our Broken Election System

Our Broken Election System

Democracy depends on the election system to provide accountability. That is not happening. The system is broken. Here's why.


Problems Polarization Causes Why is there so much Polarization? If Polarization went away, what colud happen? How Can We Reduce Polarization?
Rising Inequality - Enough is Enough

Rising Inequality – Enough is Enough

Increasing inequality is not sustainable. Where does it come from? What can we do? Unless we reduce inequality we are headed for catastrophe.
We Only Do Things That Make Money

We Only Do Things That Make Money

Money makes the world go 'round. It doesn't solve our problems. Unless someone is getting paid, we are on our own. Not great.
We're One, Big Organism

We’re One, Big Organism

Planet Earth And All Of Us Are One Big Organism. Our Planet, Our Responsibility.
Who Are We? An Inquiry into the Existence and Purpose of Human Beings

Who Are We? An Inquiry into the Existence and Purpose of Human Beings

As we venture into uncharted territories, exploring the depths and frontiers of our universe, we are often confronted with a daunting and timeless question: Who are we? Generation after generation

Focus on What Matters

This is why it’s so important to focus on the positive.

Instead of living in a continual state of outrage, understand that the world is complex, there are no easy answers, and we’re all just trying to get by.

Because when you do, you realize that the world is a pretty good place and that most people are good.

Find Common Ground

You might not have the same ideas in terms of how to reach our goals, but we can all agree on a few basic ideas. Cooperation is key to making progress.

So let’s put aside our differences, and find some common ground. After all, we’re all in this together.

And remember: cooperation is the way to go!

Be a Part of the Solution!

Clearly, there’s a long way ahead for Less Bad, and I’d love for you to join the ride.

Please signup for the newsletter, it’s the best way to learn about what is going on.

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And feel free to drop a line at hey at

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