Building A Better Government: How to Create a Country We Can Be Proud Of

Good Government

Is good government that much to ask for? Does it have to be SO bad?

We all want a better government. A government that is focused on improving our lives, not just raising money for their next campaign. A government that lives up to the ideals enshrined in The Constitution. But how can we make this happen? It will take all of us working together to create a better government. In this blog post, we will outline some ways that you can help create a country we can be proud of!

Imagine having a government you are proud of

I know, I know….

It’s an insane thing to wish for.

But is it really?

The American government served as an inspiration to the world for decades if not centuries.

That framework is still there. The dreams of the Founding Fathers, while severely under attack, can still be resurrected.

The framework is there, there’s just too much shit gumming up the works.
Between the polarization, the media, technology and social media, the cost of living, rising inequality and on and on, there’s just a lot going on.
It’s not easy but we can do it.

We can still be that shining city on a hill.

Clearly, it’s possible to re-create a better government.

The question is how, and if we want to.

Our government is in shambles, and it’s time for a change. If we want a government that we can be proud of there’s a lot of work to be done.

These are just a few of the ways that we can create a better government. It’s time to get our country back on track – let’s make this happen together.

How Can We Create A Better Government?

We need to focus on the issues that matter.

The issues most important to us and our families. Issues like healthcare, education, and the economy. Unfortunately, today’s politics is primarily finger-pointing, without any introspection or accountability. Because the extremocans (extrepublicrats?) is all you hear, that’s all elected officials care about. Yell at the edges and avoid accountability in the middle.

We also need to hold our government accountable. We need to elect leaders who will fight for us on these issues. Leaders who will put our interests first. We need to demand that they live up to their promises. That they govern with integrity. We need to hold them accountable when they don’t.

We can create a government that works for us. One that puts people before special interests. One that values honesty, integrity, and hard work.

It starts with each of us doing our part. Voting, calling our representatives, and speaking up when we see something that isn’t right.

Strategies For Making Government Better

Build on What Exists

Build on What Exists

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Get Involved

Let’s get involved in the political process and make our voices heard. We can create a better government, but we need everyone to do their part. We need to elect officials who are willing to work together for the good of the people
Government should be about service, not self-promotion or personal gain
We can’t let greed and corruption take over our democracy

Business has to be on our side

In order for our economy to improve, businesses need to be investing in our country, not just themselves. They need to be creating good jobs with livable wages. And they need to be paying their fair share of taxes. To get businesses to help us we need to practice Impact Consumerism at the cash register.

Our government is broken and it’s time for a change

It’s time for it to be Less Bad.

Be a Part of the Solution!

Clearly, there’s a long way ahead for Less Bad, and I’d love for you to join the ride.

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