How to Solve Problems in Society

Exploring a Method for Solving Social Problems.

There are soooo many problems in society that need to be fixed. It seems hopeless.

But surrendering, deciding it’s impossible, and standing by as the world continues to deteriorate is defeatist and counter-productive.

What choice do we have but to believe progress is possible?

Less Bad is dedicated to understanding the most important problems we’re facing as a society and finding ways to solve them.

Of course, “solving” or “fixing” the biggest problems we face is a long-term endeavor, without a clearly-defined endpoint. That’s why the site is called Less Bad. We’re dedicated to progress. Small improvements today that over time add up to real solutions. Baby steps to a better world.

Social problem-solving skill is like a muscle. The more you work it the stronger it gets. That applies to humans in general just like it does to society at large. We’ve got to work our “progress-making muscle” more while lowering the amount of counter-productive behavior that goes on. To put it simply, as a society we’ve got to do more good things and fewer bad things. It is that simple.

As things get better, as certain strategies are deployed and goals are met, momentum builds. Past successes build and reinforce themselves. Progress gets easier.

It sounds simple, and it is. But the question remains, how do we go about solving problems?

A Method for Solving Social Problems

The following explains a tried and true method of solving social problems using a structure, or framework. Having a framework in place makes understanding issues easier.

Let’s take a look at the six components:

Define the Problem

The first step is to clearly and specifically define what the problem is, and why it’s an issue that needs to be improved. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, “the problem should be defined as simply as possible, but not simpler.”

This link leads to a starting point for some of our most important problems:

Explore some of the top Problems We’re Facing >>

Identify the Causes

What is happening that is leading to the lousy outcome?

Incentives, cultural norms, inertia, social pressures, constraints,  ignorance, distortions,  distractions, misunderstanding, misinformation – all these and more result in the intractable, miserable societal problems causing so much suffering.

Identifying the underlying, fundamental causes is the first step to fixing a problem. In systems thinking this is called root cause analysis.

“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.”

-Attributed to Albert Einstein

This link explores some of the causes of our current state:

Explore some of the Causes of Our Problems >>

Define the Goal

To solve a problem, you need to know what the ideal end-state looks like. A description of what the situation looks like once the problem is solved.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”
-Yogi Berra

In some cases, metrics are appropriate. In the business world, “SMART” goals are those that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

While it would be great if all our goals could be smart, the fact that the goal of “world peace” may not be achievable doesn’t mean it isn’t worth moving closer to.

For our purposes, a goal is an ideal state. If we could wave a magic wand, what would the “solution,” the end state, look like?

Here are some goals most people would like to see achieved:

Explore some Societal Goals >>

Identify Strategies

How can we make progress? What smaller steps move us closer to the goal?

Strategies are simpler, more manageable, and achievable aspects of the overall goal. Goals are usually big and complicated. Strategies give us a more useful starting point.

We will likely not know ahead of time what one strategy is the best way to achieve a goal, so it’s helpful to have at least three strategies that can “move the needle.”

In reality, when dealing with complex social problems these strategies are pretty difficult. In many cases, it might be necessary to create sub-strategies to carry out a larger strategy. 1For example, one strategy to fix the problem of extreme division in America is to reform the election process, which in turn requires fixing problems like gerrymandering, the primary process, the influence of money, reforming the media, etc.

Explore Strategies for fixing our Problems >>

Only when we have a solid (not perfect) understanding of these four elements does it make sense to do what is most important:

Take Action

All the research, thinking, and strategizing in the world doesn’t mean anything if we don’t take action. Taking action comes in many forms, and what is right for you depends on myriad factors. 

Understanding what already exists that can be built upon, finding partners, building communities, increasing awareness, getting involved in politics, volunteering, and donating money are all ways of taking action to solve problems in society.

Learn How to Take Action >>

Keep Improving

A bunch of people trying to find the missing puzzle piece

In terms of solutions for social problems, nothing is ever finished. There will always be aspects of society that could use improvement. But the hope is that we’re moving in the right direction. As we work through ways of solving social problems, it’s important to stop and make sure our actions are having a positive contribution.

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Super-Charging Social Progress
To kick “solving” important social problems into high gear, there’s a simple way we can make meaningful progress quickly and efficiently:

Why Is it Important to Solve Problems?

In the face of such overwhelming odds, it’s understandable that some people are questioning if it’s even worth it. Apathy is rampant in the country. But if we want to avoid massive conflicts in the future, or if we just want to alleviate suffering in the world at large, it’s important that as a society we make progress.

We must start solving some of our most pressing problems so that everyone can have an equal opportunity to succeed in life.

  • When society has a lot of problems it can hold people back from achieving their full potential.
  • Not only are people suffering, but the possibility of destabilization exists if enough people get mad enough.

Finding Real Solutions is Difficult

Social problem-solving skills are complex and multi-layered. There are a variety of social innovation solutions that have been proposed to try and fix them. But if we look around it’s easy to feel like we’re going backward instead of making progress.

We Need to Get At the Root Cause

Too often today, “solving social problems” only addresses the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem.

Government, nonprofits, and businesses throw resources at the problem without a full appreciation of the problem and the fundamental root causes. These half-assed, ill-conceived measures often only make things worse.

While addressing the symptoms can help assuage individual suffering (which is important), in the long term, addressing the fundamental cause is the only way to make meaningful change.

Take drug addiction. In the short term, a clean needle exchange can help decrease the spread of disease in vulnerable communities. But long term, addressing how and why people take drugs in the first place, while much more difficult, will have a more meaningful impact.

To truly achieve social problem solving we need to get to the heart of each problem and address the underlying root cause. Positive problem orientation leads to rational problem-solving skills that get better with practice.

What Are Some of Our Most Pressing Social Problems?

We all have things we don’t like. Here’s a whole page devoted to the biggest problems facing America. But just to give you an idea of the kinds of problems we’re defining, in no particular order here are some of the biggest societal problems we face:

WWIII Is Around the Corner

  • Innocent people are dying for no reason.
  • War is leading to mass starvation.
  • The threat of Nuclear Armageddon is back!

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Ever-Rising Cost of Living

Prices Soar Like the Noble Eagle

  • Food
  • Energy
  • Health Care
  • Political Bribes
  • You name it

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Increasing Crime and Violence

  • Our police and legal systems are overwhelmed.
  • Mass shootings are commonplace.
  • It seems like we’re moving backwards.

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Everyone is FURIOUS

  • There are ONLY two sides.. And they HATE each other.
  • We’re heading toward another Civil War

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The Planet is Dying

  • Irresponsible corporations pouring poison in the air
  • No fish in the ocean
  • Droughts and wildfires all over.

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The Middle Class is Hurting

The Middle Class is Getting Squeezed

  • Less and more for the bottom
  • More and more for the top
  • Might not be sustainable

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And if that’s not enough, here are some more:

See All the Problems >>

What are Some Ways to Solve Social Problems?

What are the solutions?

There are a variety of different approaches that can be taken to solve social problems.

  • Some people believe that the government should take care of social problems.
  • Others believe that it is the responsibility of individuals and community groups.
  • Other types think that new technologies, businesses, and corporations need to play a bigger role in problem-solving.

Clearly – the government won’t help

As covered above, the government has proven that it cannot get anything done. We can wish it were different but we’ve got to face reality. Until something changes (or many things really) we can only hope for very little action from the government (unless change means someone is making money from it). The powerful politicians that determine government priorities and their partners in the media are focused on driving division and enriching themselves and their allies, not helping solve our societal issues. The powers that be like the status quo just fine.

Nonprofit groups are overmatched

Nonprofit groups are great in theory, but they don’t have the resources. There are a lot of great nonprofit organizations out there with hard-working volunteers, employees, and skills. But they only have so much money, which unfortunately is all that really matters.

Businesses Have the Resources to Help

Less Bad thinks that business has the resources, and are in the best position, to affect social change. But we can’t force them to. It can’t be up to one person. It goes back to incentives. The challenge is to begin to align the goals of business with those of society at large.

Impact Consumerism is the idea of using the power in your wallet to form a coalition to encourage corporations to play a more active role in helping society. Here’s a link to a brief introduction to Impact Consumerism.

Reward Helpful Corporations

The point is to make progress. You can’t make progress if you don’t have an idea of where you want to get to.

There is a more comprehensive list of strategies to make the world better on the dedicated pages, but to give you an idea of some strategies to fix our social problems

Strategies for Solving Social Problems:

Harness Innovation

  • Leverage scientific know-how not to make rich people richer, but to help us all.
  • Invest in cutting-edge technology and transform our society for the better.

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Demand Transparency

  • Into the money they pay to get the laws they want passed.
  • The wages they pay the people at the bottom compared to the top.
  • Transparency into the poisons they put in the air and water. And into our food.

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Honest Pay for All Employees

Wage Increase

  • Put workers first so that the middle class can thrive.
  • Reduce the extremes.
  • Educate and train employees so that they help themselves and the company at the same time.

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Reform the Media

  • Get hate mongers out of our lives
  • Reward honest, objective reporters out for the truth

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Foster Empathy and Cooperation

  • And compromise.
  • Honest communication
  • And brotherly love.

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Create a Circular Economy

  • A comprehensive overhaul of our most destructive business processes
  • Where we don’t just burry shit in the ground, or throw it in the ocean

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A Government that Functions

  • One where our leaders are focused on improving our lives.
  • Not raising money for their next campaign.
  • A government that lives up to the ideals enshrined in The Constitution.

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Lower the Cost of Health Care

  • Where everyone can see a good doctor that knows who they are and what’s in their best interest.
  • With good food

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Work Toward World Peace

  • Tone down the hate
  • Take the profit motive out of death and destruction
  • Redouble diplomatic efforts, and lead by example

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There’s clearly no shortage of ideas for making progress, and many of these endeavors are being worked on very hard every day. It’s just a question of who has more resources. Those contributing to the common good, or those hurting it.

If the above isn’t enough, here are some more strategies to solve problems.

Strengthen Communities

Thriving communities are important for society. They help with everything. Stronger communities are critical to a happy and healthy life. Create opportunities for people to connect and engage with their neighbors. Whether it’s through block parties, education programs, or volunteering opportunities, when people come together, great things happen.

Increase Accountability

We need to increase accountability in both the government and in business. Too often people misbehave or act contrary to the common good. This type of behavior needs to be stopped, and the only way to do that is by increasing accountability. We need to ensure our politicians and corporations are working in our best interests.

Align Incentives

We need to align incentives so that businesses are rewarded for supporting societal goals. We want businesses to be profitable, but we also want them to help us reach our goals. Businesses should be motivated to do both.

Whistleblower Protection

Whistleblowers play an essential role in holding the powerful accountable. This not only helps to keep businesses and government agencies honest but also helps to create a more transparent marketplace. Whistleblower protection is not only good for society, but it’s also good for the economy.

Impact Consumerism

Impact Consumerism is a movement of individuals, businesses, and non-profits coming together to create social change through the power of the free market. Companies have the potential to be a force for good, and consumers have the power to drive this change. Impact Consumerism promotes a more sustainable and equitable future, one where businesses thrive by doing good.

Reduce the Influence of Money in Washington

Lobbyists spend billions of dollars every year trying to influence politicians. Big businesses and special interests have an outsized impact on the legislative process. Meanwhile, the average American has very little say in what goes on in our nation’s capital.

This needs to change. We need to get money out of Washington and put the power back in the hands of the people. We need to close the loopholes that allow corporations and the wealthy to skirt the rules. We need to increase transparency and regulation to make sure that our elected officials are working for us, not for money.

Redistribute Wealth

The gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger, and it’s not sustainable. And the wealthy tend to do things to make sure they get even more money. Making rich people richer is not the best use of limited resources. We need to reverse this trend. We need to bring out a more balanced distribution of wealth and reduce the concentration at the top. Otherwise, we’re going to have a lot of problems.

What are the Fundamental Causes of Social Problems?

Root Cause Analysis

In systems theory, when attempting social problem-solving to make changes to the system you turn to root cause analysis as a way to fully understand the problem. As the problem is better understood, finding ways to improve the situation can be introduced.

The causes of the social issues are as numerous as the problems themselves. Dozens if not hundreds of forces are at play. But some causes have a much bigger impact on outcomes than others.
In general, some of the more notable causes of the problems we collectively face include:

Corrupt Leadership

  • Leaders on both sides don’t care about us.
  • They don’t care about our problems.
  • They care about scoring points,
  • And tweets.
  • Just take a look around!

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Irresponsible Corporations

  • You can have your profits, but can the middle class get some too?
  • We’re the ones doing all the work.
  • Do you really need to take EVERYTHING?

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Broken Elections

  • Voting is not creating accountability.
  • The bulk of general elections are formalities.
  • The same people who got us in this position just stay in office forever.

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Rising Inequality

  • There’s something wrong when like 7 people have more money than the rest of the world combined.
  • And this wealth / income gap keeps widening.

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Money Runs Our Political System

  • Nothing in government gets done without a big sack of cash.
  • Promoting the lobbying culture is the only agenda with bipartisan support.

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Health Care System Sucks

  • We’re rewarding complexity and obfuscation, not healthy people.
  • The sicker we get, the more money they make.
  • We don’t even know what things cost!

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A Corrupt Media

The media - our top story tonight, the other side sucks

  • On both sides, they are not here to tell us the truth.
  • Their profit model depends on anger.
  • And Distractions.
  • And Hate,
  • And Division.

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Unlimited Government Spending

  • The waste and bureaucracy is STAGERING
  • The National Debt is THIRTY TRILLION DOLLARS
  • What does that even MEAN?

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A Financial System Where Lies Equal Profits

  • Financial types make the most money, but they cause the most harm.
  • Credit card companies with gross margins of 80 percent.
  • Single Money Manager / CEO-type who makes A BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.

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More Causes of Social Problems

  • The incentives – Much of the current state of the world can be explained by incentives.
  • Lack of resources – We know what we want to see happen, but we don’t have what we need to affect that change. It goes back to incentives as well as the decisions those in power are making.
  • We only do things that can make a profit – Happiness, meaning, health, and good education are things we all want, but it’s difficult for a company to make a profit from them. So there’s not enough left for problem-solving. We need to take a serious look at the incentives and see what we can do to minimize the problem of only doing things that make money.
  • Government gridlock – It’s become all but impossible for the government to pass any kind of legislation that would improve. Some of the laws on the books are ancient, but there’s just not the political will to compromise for the good of the country. Gridlock in the political arena is a serious detriment to progress.
  • Extreme division – Perhaps the biggest cause of government gridlock is the extreme polarization in the country. Politicians that work with the other party are ostracized and can count on a challenge next election. And the media doesn’t help.

While those are some most powerful causes of the state of affairs, it’s not an exhaustive list by any means.

Explore more of the causes >>

So What Are the Goals?

There are a large number of ways to think about societal goals, but let’s start with a big one, and from there we can develop sub-goals.

Universal Happiness

Universal happiness across countries should be the idealized goal. Too many people are angry and have lost hope because they do not have what they need to be happy. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, people need to have food and shelter first, then safety and security, then love and belonging, then esteem, and finally self-actualization. If people do not have their basic needs met, they will never be able to be truly happy.

Healthy People

Healthy People

  • Where we can all get the care we need
  • Without going bankrupt if the worst happens
  • Cut down on the diabetus

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Strong Communities

Strong Communities

  • Where we feel safe
  • Where we feel a part of the neighborhood
  • Where we get along with each other

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A Private Sector that Works for Everyone

Upward Mobility

  • Where hard-working employees share in the rewards
  • Competitive markets where anyone can succeed

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A Thriving Environment

  • Where drought and forest fires don’t cause untold deaths
  • Sustainable ecosystems
  • With fish in the oceans
  • And air we can breath

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Real Leadership

  • Leaders that unite us
  • Accountable leaders with our best interest at heart
  • Leaders able to make hard decisions that are for the best

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A Better Life for Our Children

  • Where they can reach their full potential
  • Where they can have all the things we don’t have today

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Equal Access to Upward Mobility

The Constitution of the United States promises the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. But in today’s society where you were born and raised plays an outsized role in your education, the classes you attend, and what you can achieve in life. That’s not to say those born in less affluent circumstances can’t succeed, it’s just harder. This disparity is not only unfair, but it ultimately harms us all by preventing us from achieving our full potential as a nation.

Promoting access to upward mobility is a way to make many of the problems we face as a society better.

Upward Mobility

Feeling of Progress

We all want to feel like we are making a certain amount of progress toward our goals. When we see gridlock, it can seem like nothing is happening and that things are getting worse. However, it’s important to remember that progress is being made all around us. We may not always agree on the best process to achieve progress, but progress itself is something that we can all rally around.


Safety and security are important to everyone. We all want to feel safe in our homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods. Crime is bad for individuals, families, and businesses. That’s why it’s so important to take steps to reduce unemployment and crime and keep our streets safe.

World Peace / Peace on Earth

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, the need for world peace is more evident than ever. We won’t get there overnight but as we solve social problems we move just a bit closer. Although there will always be disagreements and conflicts between nations, the world has become more stable overall in recent years. This is due in part to the rise of international institutions and the increased cooperation between states. By continuing to work together on various subjects and supporting each other, we can create a model world that is more peaceful and prosperous for all.

A Healthy Planet

A healthy planet is necessary for a healthy environment, which is necessary for healthy human beings. We want to promote sustainability and a circular economy so that businesses are incentivized to protect the environment, not just pollute it. And we want to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere so that our planet can thrive for generations to come. Reach all our environmental goals.

Healthy People

We all know that health is important. It’s not just about looking good in that new swimsuit – although that is a nice perk. Being healthy means having more energy, being able to think more clearly, and reducing the costs of health care for everyone. A healthy society listens to medical professionals and embraces effective techniques and processes. We all benefit when most people can live long, happy, and healthy lives.

Thriving Communities

Thriving communities help solve problems. Stronger communities, where all children go to a good school, are critical to a happy and healthy life. Whether it’s through block parties, education programs, smaller classroom sizes, or volunteering opportunities, when people come together, great things happen.

Prosperous Middle Class

A thriving middle class is essential for the growth of any country. The middle class is the backbone of the economy, and its success directly impacts the process of problem-solving. A strong local community is an important process for the solution of any social problem. It’s created by following examples defined by ideas and processes.

When the middle class is doing well it benefits everyone in the country, as it increases purchasing power and lowers the cost of living. Similarly, when the middle class is thriving, businesses can grow and create new jobs. This leads to even more upward mobility and creates a vicious cycle of growth.

Real News

In today’s age of 24-hour news cycles and seemingly constant information overload, it can be difficult to know where to turn for real, honest news. With the proliferation of “fake news” and clickbait headlines, it’s more important than ever to be able to identify a source of news we can trust. We should expect journalism of the highest standards – accurate reporting, fair and balanced stories, and a commitment to transparency. It’s time to reform the media to make progress.

Reform the Media

Journalists should be asking hard questions, not driving division.

Productive Government

A functioning government works for the people it represents. When the government functions properly, it leads to things like happiness, meaning, and better use of tax dollars. All people want the government to function to make progress. Gridlock and polarization are bad because they prevent the government from working. Politicians campaign on promises, but often do not follow through on them. This gridlock and polarization need to be fixed for the government to function properly again.

Helpful Private Sector

We need a business community that supports our societal goals. Unfortunately, we often see businesses whose only goal is to make a profit, without any regard for the broader implications of their actions. We need to align incentives so businesses are rewarded for supporting societal goals, rather than just maximizing profits. A labor market that offers family-supporting jobs to people of all backgrounds and aptitudes. We need a business community on the side of progress.

Competitive Marketplaces

A Competitive Marketplace is good for consumers because it drives down prices. When businesses compete against each other, it forces them to keep their prices low to attract and keep customers. In addition, a Competitive Marketplace provides consumers with more choices.

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.”

-William Jennings Bryan

We Can Make Things Less Bad

No doubt that as a society and global community we are facing some serious issues.

Some social problems can seem overwhelming. But remember that even the most complex problem can be solved if we work together, focus on what matters, and are willing to find innovative solutions.

Given the enormous challenges, it’s easy to despair. But non-stop complaining and giving up hope is certainly not going to help us solve problems.

If we are going to avoid a societal breakdown, we need to do a better job of addressing our most pressing issues.

So that’s what I’m doing on this site—exploring the problems and causes and proposing goals and strategies to reach them across the four core groupings (Environment, Business, Government, and Society). I believe that working through this problem-solving framework is the best way to fix so many of the aspects of society that are causing so much pain and frustration in the world.

Over the following weeks and months, the plan is to flesh these ideas out. The aim is to eventually have a browsable framework of the various issues affecting us, their causes, broad goals, and specific strategies.

And most importantly, organizing the various groups already working toward those goals.

It’s not gonna happen overnight, and a lot of help is needed. But I think it’s the best hope we have of improving society.

I hope you’ll join the ride.

Be a Part of the Solution!

Clearly, there’s a long way ahead for Less Bad, and I’d love for you to join the ride.

Please signup for the newsletter, it’s the best way to learn about what is going on.

Please share the site on social media, you can find the links in the footer. I really appreciate any help spreading awareness.

And feel free to drop a line at hey at

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