
A Future Hellscape
We are headed towards a future hellscape of a society. Without drastic action, the future is going to be dire.

Are We Headed for Another World War?
It's a scary time to be alive. Is WWIII around the corner? Will humans ever stop killing each other? Is peace just a fantasy?

Climate Change
Human apathy and inaction are destroying the planet. Climate change is an undeniable reality, and one which we must confront if we wish to ensure a safe future for ourselves

Inequality is one of the more important problems we're facing in America. Most of us are being left behind as more and more wealth accumulates at the top.

The Health Care Crisis
The Health Care system is terribly broken and is costing us a fortune. We can do better.

Are We Even Here?
The question of whether we are really here or not has puzzled humans for centuries. Some philosophers and scientists have proposed that our existence is an illusion, a mere product

Complicated Causes of a Complicated World
There are reasons why the world is the way it is. Explore some of the incentives and behaviors that lead to so many problems.

Deforestation is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. The Earth's forests are being cut down at unsustainable levels.

Desertification – Who Wants to Live in a Barren Wasteland?
Our actions are causing the deserts around the world to grow. Desertification affects more than 12 million people are affected by each year. It's dire.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
We can't allow emissions of greenhouse gases to stay unchecked if we care about the long-term survival of the planet.

Incentives determine what the word looks like. By designing effective strategies to incentivize productive behaviour, we can change the world.

Overpopulation – From One Billion to Nine Billion
The planet is overpopulated and it's having devastating consequences. What can we do to mitigate the problems caused by so many people?

Rising Inequality – Enough is Enough
Increasing inequality is not sustainable. Where does it come from? What can we do? Unless we reduce inequality we are headed for catastrophe.

So. Much. Waste.
There is so much waste across so many aspects of society. Resources that could be better spent improving society are wasted, often nonsense.

The Developed World is Aging
Paradoxically, at the same time that we need to worry about overpopulation in parts of the world, the developed world is facing a different set of issues due to the

Vicious Cycles: Escaping the Cycle of Failure
From the micro to the macro level, vicious cycles can have a devastating impact on society. At their core, vicious cycles are self-reinforcing patterns of behavior that can be difficult

We’re Destroying the Planet
Human activity has decimated the Earth. The situation is dire. If we want things to change, the time to act is now.

A Better Country
The midpoint of the 2020s is in sight. Reflecting on a decade packed with unexpected challenges, we must look to the future with hope - envisioning a country that is

A Better Future
We can build a better tomorrow. We have the tools to create a world we can be proud of - we just need to do it.

AI – The Path To Sentience
Scientists and theorists have identified key stages that are likely to be involved as artificial intelligence becomes sentient.

Artificial Intelligence – Is It the Answer?
Artificial intelligence can help us create powerful solutions with far-reaching implications. Is AI the solution to all our problems?

Being Constructive: How to Move Forward
Cooperation required for progress. And being constructive is essential to cooperation. Things run smoother when everyone is on the same page.

Build on What Exists
We can't wait for perfection. There are dozens of organizations working hard to change the world for the better today.

DNA Sequencing: Unlocking the Secrets of Life
DNA sequencing has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our world and save lives in a variety of ways. By reading and interpreting the genetic code that makes up

Embrace Innovation
The future is coming one way or the other. Embracing innovation means using it to drive positive change, not make things worse.

Energy Storage
Energy storage is becoming increasingly important as the world transitions to renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

Fixing the World: The Ultimate Guide
The ten most powerful ways to make the world a better place. Ten simple strategies to get us back on track a build a better future.

How to Change the World
"Changing the World Is the Only Fit Work for a Grown Man" -Howard Luck Gossage

Improving Education
Education reform has the potential to empower the coming generations, ensuring their ability to compete in an ever changing world.

Increase the Inheritance Tax
Increasing the inheritance tax is one of the simplest and most effective ways to combat inequality and promote greater economic growth.

Making Progress: The Only Way
Making progress is the only way to create a virtuous cycle in society. What is a virtuous cycle? It's basically a self-sustaining process that leads to continuous improvement. When we

Prioritize Human Flourishing
A culture that prioritizes human flourishing rather than profit at any cost will go a long way toward building a better future.

Promoting the Common Good
Doing what's best for society at large instead of what benefits a small minority is the best way to move forward.

Reducing the Federal Debt
We've got to reduce the federal debt. We waste too much money on interest payments. The debt is dragging the country down. But we can do it!

Reward “Good” Work
By rewarding work beneficial to the collective good, we can create a culture where people are motivated to make positive change happen.

Systems Thinking: Navigating Complexity
Systems Theory provides a framework for understanding the complexity of the world and how to improve it.

Universal Basic Income: Game-Changer Policy or Pipe Dream?
Is a Universal Basic Income a realistic way to move the country forward, or is it too costly and just not a good idea?

Virtuous Cycles Can Solve All Global Challenges
Virtuous cycles can have a profound impact on the world. Effectively leveraging these feedback loops might be the only way to avert diaster.