Problems Polarization Causes

Are We Headed for Another World War?
It's a scary time to be alive. Is WWIII around the corner? Will humans ever stop killing each other? Is peace just a fantasy?

Crime and Violence
Increasing crime is devastating communities across the country. People are scared. Budgets are stretched. Prisons are full. Is there a better way?

Division Like Crazy!
We have got to deal with the division in the country. The path we're on is not sustainable. How did we get here? What can we do? Can it be

Inequality is one of the more important problems we're facing in America. Most of us are being left behind as more and more wealth accumulates at the top.

So Much Anger
We are all FURIOUS! So much anger and hate is destroying the country. Why are we all so angry? What can we do to get it under control?
Why is there so much Polarization?

An Inept, Lazy and Compromised Media
The news media is devastating our country. Anger, division and distractions rule the day, and it's not good for anyone. Just how bad is it?

Astroturfing: Making Friends and Influencing People – Without Really Trying
From dinner conversations to desperate marketing tactics, have you ever encountered a situation where it seemed like what people were saying wasn't quite right? Perhaps their passionate commitment to something

Extrepublicrats – Causing All the Trouble
The rise of extrepublicrats is a sad reflection of the state of our country. They are increasingly making it difficult to have civil conversations about important issues.

Human Nature
As individuals and as a collective, we often work against our best interests with behaviors that seem hardwired to make things harder than they need to be.

Our Broken Election System
Democracy depends on the election system to provide accountability. That is not happening. The system is broken. Here's why.

Rising Inequality – Enough is Enough
Increasing inequality is not sustainable. Where does it come from? What can we do? Unless we reduce inequality we are headed for catastrophe.

The Influence of Money in Government
Big money circulating in Washington is destroying the country. Elected officials aren't responsible to the people, and only care about their bank accounts.
If Polarization went away, what colud happen?

A Better Future
We can build a better tomorrow. We have the tools to create a world we can be proud of - we just need to do it.

A Functioning Government
Our government must function properly. Find out why it's so important to have a functioning government today!

Competent Leaders
Is it too much to ask for real leadership? Having adults in the room would go a long way toward making things better. Can we do it?

Government Accountability
Attaining Government Accountability - The only way to create a better country is to ensure our elected leaders are accountable to us. We need politicians to do what's best for

More Accountability
Increased accountability can drive progress. Lack of consequences for wrongdoing are detrimental. More accountability is crucial for a better future.

Real News: Unbiased Sources of Information
A functioning Democracy requires a trustworthy media. We can't hold the powerful accountable if we don't know what's happening. We need real news.

Strong Communities
Strong and thriving communities have the power to drastically improve everyday life across the country. They help everything and are an important goal.

World Peace – Is It Impossible?
World peace is possible. We won't get there tomorrow, but as a species we have the ability to make it a reality. But how do we get there?
How Can We Reduce Polarization?

Cooperation: The Way to Go
Cooperation is the only way to move forward. Reaching our common goals can only happen if lots of people work together.

Fixing the World: The Ultimate Guide
The ten most powerful ways to make the world a better place. Ten simple strategies to get us back on track a build a better future.

Follow the Golden Rule
We've all heard the famous adage to ‘treat others as you want to be treated’. But how much weight does it really hold? In a world where we challenge almost

Getting Money Out of Government
Reducing the influence of money on Washington is imperative if there is any hope of the government ever truly representing us.

Give People Meaning
By helping individuals find purpose and meaning we can create happier, healthier, and more engaged communities for all.

Impact Consumerism
The private sector can't keep sitting on the sidelines as we decend further into chaos. We need businesses to help. #DemandMoreforYourDollar.

Measuring Twice and Collapsing Superposition
The concept of superposition in quantum mechanics suggests that when a particle is in superposition, it is many states at the same time. Until it is measured, the act of

Reducing Polarization
Reducing the division is the only way we can move forward. How do we do it? Discover the best strategies to help reduce polarization.

Reform the Media
A drastic overhaul of the media landscape is essential for making progress. We can't move forward if we don't know where we are. Reform the Media Now.

Reward “Good” Work
By rewarding work beneficial to the collective good, we can create a culture where people are motivated to make positive change happen.

Taking Personal Responsibility
If you are unhappy with your life and the world you can't put it all on others. You are the only person that you are fully in control of.

Voting Better
By becoming better voters we create a government that represents our collective values.