Problems Money Causes

Inequality is one of the more important problems we're facing in America. Most of us are being left behind as more and more wealth accumulates at the top.

The Health Care Crisis
The Health Care system is terribly broken and is costing us a fortune. We can do better.

The High Cost of Living
Increased costs are devastating communities across the country. What's behind the increase in costs, and what can we do about it?

The Middle Class is Getting Squeezed
Powerful forces are squeezing the middle class, wringing every last cent out of our pocket and into the pockets of the wealthy. It needs to stop.
Money is Behind Many Things

Corporate Personhood
The Great Paradox of Citizens United: Corporate Personhood and Corporate Malfeasance

Government Spending is Out of Control
Irresponsible government spending is a massive problem. The deficit continues to grow and its only getting worse. Why is it to high?

Incentives determine what the word looks like. By designing effective strategies to incentivize productive behaviour, we can change the world.

Nobody leaves money on the table
People generally want to maximize their outcomes and take advantage of opportunities for gain.

Rising Inequality – Enough is Enough
Increasing inequality is not sustainable. Where does it come from? What can we do? Unless we reduce inequality we are headed for catastrophe.

The Broken Legal System
The legal system is a playground for the wealthy and well-connected. It does not further justice and generally makes things worse.

The Financial System is Corrupt
The Global Finance System is Rotten to the Core. Why the Stock Market is a Machine that Syphons Money from Everyone.

The Influence of Money in Government
Big money circulating in Washington is destroying the country. Elected officials aren't responsible to the people, and only care about their bank accounts.

We Only Do Things That Make Money
Money makes the world go 'round. It doesn't solve our problems. Unless someone is getting paid, we are on our own. Not great.
Fixing Money Can Do Some Great Things

A Better Future
We can build a better tomorrow. We have the tools to create a world we can be proud of - we just need to do it.

A Competitive Marketplace
A free market can provide incredible things. When companies compete fairly for consumers, society wins. We need a competitive marketplace for progress.

A Productive Private Sector: Aligning the Free Market with the Common Good
A strong society requires a productive private sector. Healthy competition drives innovation, reduces prices and produces good jobs.

Government Accountability
Attaining Government Accountability - The only way to create a better country is to ensure our elected leaders are accountable to us. We need politicians to do what's best for

Healthy People – Building a Stronger Nation
We want people to be healthy. Overall health across society is achievable and a goal worth pursuing.

The Circular Economy
A Circular Economy is the only way to avert disaster. By reevaluating consumption patterns we chart a new course. It's the only way to save the planet.

Transparency is a valuable resource that can help build trust, promote accountability, and create a more just and equitable society.
Strategies for Making Money More Helpful

Aligning Incentives: Using the Free Market to Create a Better World
Incentives are key to unlocking the power of business to drive change. Using our wallets to reward good behavior beats government mandates.

Champion Honest Pay
Everyday employees deserve more of the profits they help create. Inequality is raging and lowering the wage gap can make a big difference.

Eliminating Dark Money
The influence of dark money erodes democracy and creates an imbalance that heavily favors corporations and wealthy individuals.

Getting Money Out of Government
Reducing the influence of money on Washington is imperative if there is any hope of the government ever truly representing us.

Increase the Inheritance Tax
Increasing the inheritance tax is one of the simplest and most effective ways to combat inequality and promote greater economic growth.

Promoting Upward Mobility: The Key to the American Dream
Everyone deserves equal access to upward mobility. You should be able to improve your life without killing yourself or neglecting your family.

Reform the Finance Industry
Reforming the finance and banking sector is essential to ensuring that the finance industry works in the best interests of society as a whole. Only by holding banks accountable for

Universal Basic Income: Game-Changer Policy or Pipe Dream?
Is a Universal Basic Income a realistic way to move the country forward, or is it too costly and just not a good idea?