Embrace Innovation

We are living in a time of great innovation. Every day, new technologies are being developed that will change how we live. It is crucial that we embrace innovation and use new technology to build a better future for ourselves and our children.

Like all the challenges we’re facing, innovation comes with as many risks as rewards. But if we want to protect the future of our society, we need to get ahead of change. As scary as change can be, the alternative is surely worse.

Change is scary

Many people are concerned about the impact that technology will have on society. They worry that it will destroy jobs, make us dependent on machines, and isolate us from one another. Some see Artificial Intelligence as an existential threat that could destroy humanity (provided we don’t do it first). But technology can be used to protect the future of our society if we use it wisely.

Technology is a tool

Ultimately, whether or not new technologies help or hurt harm society is up to us. Technology is a tool, and it can be used for good or for ill. The printing press, the steam engine, radio and television, these all were the source of great concern when they first emerged.

The impact of innovation and technology depends on how we use it. We can harness innovation to make progress and solve problems, or we can let it make our societal problems worse.

New Technologies are coming whether we like it or not

One way or the other, the future is coming. Emerging technologies will disrupt our way of life. The goal needs to be to stay ahead of new technology and do our best to make sure it’s being used in a way that helps rather than hurts us. Technology investor Catherine Woods has identified five emerging technologies in particular that will have profound impact on the planet.

  • Blockchain Technology – Blockchain is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent and tamper-proof transactions. Bitcoin is the most well-known blockchain, but the technology is much bigger than that. Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the way the world does business and protect the future of our society. Notably, it can drastically increase transparency in finance and supply chains.
  • Artificial Intelligence – Artificial intelligence has developed to the point where it is possible for computers to understand and respond to human speech. And that’s just the beginning. The question now is how we will use this technology to change the world.
  • DNA Sequencing – DNA sequencing could unlock the mysteries of disease and develop new cures. It could also help us to understand our genetic makeup and create personalized treatments for diseases. The implications DNA sequencing and gene therapy for a healthy society are profound.
  • Energy Storage – Energy storage can make us less reliant on fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy sources. It has the power to stabilize the electrical grid and prevent blackouts.
  • Robotics – Robotics could help us to become more efficient and make better use of our resources.

And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. How we deal with these and other innovations will determine how our future society develops.

Innovation needs to aligns with the public good

As we embrace and encourage innovation, we need to make sure that new technologies are developed with society’s best interests in mind. We need to be careful about how we use these technologies. We need to align our rewards and incentives to make innovation improves our lives, not make our problems worse.

Everyone should have access to these technologies, so that we can all benefit from them. The benefits can’t just accrue at the top because rising inequality is a tremendously destabilizing force.

Its up to us to shape the future

The future could be really good, or really bad (or you know… kinda meh). But the choices we make and the actions we take in the coming months and years will have profound impacts on how it develops.

We need to embrace innovation and technology to build the future we want.

Let’s not be afraid of innovation.

Let’s use it to reach our goals.

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